The single-node installation method is equivalent to the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager installation method. In this method, you install SaltStack Config on a single node (server) using the SaltStack Config installer. After installation, a Salt master, SaltStack Config, a Redis database, and a PostgreSQL database all run on this same node.

As it runs, the single-node installer for SaltStack Config:

  • Installs Python 3.6 on the node (if it wasn’t previously installed).
  • Installs Salt and its necessary dependencies (if it wasn’t previously installed).
  • Makes this server a Salt master.
  • Applies the Salt states needed to install SaltStack Config.
  • Installs the required versions of PostgreSQL, Redis, and Python Setuptools on the server.

Before you start

Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have read and completed the steps on all pre-installation pages:


For a single-node installation, it is especially important to follow all the steps listed on the Install or upgrade Salt page. The exception is if you are installing SaltStack Config in an air-gapped environment.

Run the installation script

After completing the steps listed in the previous sections, you can now run the installer on your node:

  1. In the terminal, run the command:
    sudo ./
  2. As the script runs, verify that your terminal displays the message:
    Installing SaltStack Config...

    While installing, the terminal may display this message for several minutes.

    As this script runs, it installs the latest stable version of Python and Salt if they have not already been installed. It also configures this node as a Salt master and minion.


    If both the Salt master service and minion service are installed, the script skips this step and proceeds with the setup of SaltStack Config. If either the Salt master service or the minion service packages are installed, but not both, the script will terminate. The script terminates as a safeguard to prevent the user from accidentally disrupting an existing installation.

    After installing Python and Salt, the script installs:

    • A PostgreSQL database
    • A Redis database
    • RaaS, also known as SaltStack Config

If you encounter an error while running the installer, refer to the Troubleshooting page or Contact Support.

Firewall permissions

For single-node installations:

  • The script on the installer does not modify firewall rules.
  • Ensure that access is allowed to port 443 in your firewall rules for all appropriate systems (Salt masters, web-based interface users, remote systems calling the API (RaaS), etc).

What to do next

Once the single-node installation process is complete, you must complete several post-installation steps: