If you are installing SaltStack Config on an existing Salt infrastructure, Salt is already installed. In this case, you'll instead need to ensure that Salt and Python are upgraded to the latest version.


These steps are part of the pre-installation process for a standard installation of SaltStack Config. This guide explains how to install or upgrade Salt on the node that you are using to run an installation. For instructions on how to install Salt on the rest of your infrastructure after the standard installation, see Install Salt on your infrastructure.

To upgrade Salt and Python to the latest stable versions on RedHat and CentOS:

  1. In the terminal, check whether Python 3 is running on this node:
    python3 --version
  2. If needed, install or update to Python 3 using the following command:
    sudo yum upgrade python3
  3. Update Salt by running the following commands:
    sudo yum install https://repo.ius.io/ius-release-el7.rpm https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
    sudo yum install python36-pyOpenSSL
  4. Restart all upgraded services:
    sudo systemctl restart salt-minion

For information about upgrading Salt on other operating systems, see the SaltStack Package Repo.

What to do next

After Salt and Python are upgraded, you can proceed to the next pre-installation step. The next step is to download, verify, and transfer the installation files for your installation scenario. To continue the pre-installation process, see Transfer and import files.