During this installation task, you copy the orchestration files provided with the SaltStack Config installer to the Salt master node. Then, you edit the files to reference the three nodes for RaaS, the Redis database, and the PostgreSQL database.


If the SaltStack Config files are not installed on your Salt master, follow the instructions in Transfer and import files.

To copy and edit the orchestration configuration files:

  1. On the Salt master, navigate to the sse-installer directory.
  2. Copy the pillar and state files from the sse_installer directory into the minion’s pillar_roots and file_roots using the following commands:
    sudo mkdir /srv/salt
    sudo cp -r salt/sse /srv/salt/
    sudo mkdir /srv/pillar
    sudo cp -r pillar/sse /srv/pillar/
    sudo cp -r pillar/top.sls /srv/pillar/
    sudo cp -r salt/top.sls /srv/salt/

    These instructions make some assumptions that might not be true of your directory structure, especially if you have an existing Salt installation. The instructions assume:

    • That your Salt master is using the default directory structure. If your directory structure has been modified, you may need to modify these instructions for your custom directory structure.
    • That you do not already have a folder named sse under either your pillar or configuration state root. If this folder exists, you may need to merge them manually.
    • That you do not already have a file named top.sls inside your pillar or salt directory. If this file exists, you may need to merge it with your existing file manually.
  3. In the /srv/pillar/ directory, you now have a file named top.sls that you copied over from the installation files in the previous step. Open this file in an editor.
  4. Edit this file to define the list of minion IDs (not the IP addresses or DNS names) for your PostgreSQL, Redis, RaaS, and Salt master. Use the IDs that you recorded earlier as you worked through the Record key data about the four nodes step.

    For example:

    {# Pillar Top File #}
    {# Define SSE Servers #}
    {% load_yaml as sse_servers %}
      - postgres-database-1
      - redis-database-1
      - saltstack-enterprise-api-server-1
      - saltmaster-1
    {% endload %}
    {# Assign Pillar Data to SSE Servers #}
    {% for server in sse_servers %}
      '{{ server }}':
        - sse
    {% endfor %}
  5. In the /srv/salt/ directory, you now have a file named top.sls that you copied over in step 2. Open this file in an editor and verify that it matches the following:
      {# Target SSE Servers, according to Pillar data #}
      # SSE PostgreSQL Server
      'I@sse_pg_server:{{ grains.id }}':
        - sse.eapi_database
      # SSE Redis Server
      'I@sse_redis_server:{{ grains.id }}':
        - sse.eapi_cache
      # SSE eAPI Servers
      'I@sse_eapi_servers:{{ grains.id }}':
        - sse.eapi_service
      # SSE Salt Masters
      'I@sse_salt_masters:{{ grains.id }}':
        - sse.eapi_plugin

What to do next

After editing the top state files, read and follow the steps in Edit the SaltStack Config settings pillar file.