After completing the previous post-installation steps, you can log in to the SaltStack Config for the first time. After you first login, you should change the root password and secure your RaaS credentials.

This page explains how to log into the SaltStack Config user interface for the first time after an initial installation. After logging in for the first time, you need to complete a few additional tasks:

  • Change the root password.
  • Secure your RaaS credentials.

Before you start

Logging into the user interface is one post-installation step in a series of several steps that should be followed in a specific order. First, complete one of the installation scenarios and then read the following post-installation pages:

Confirm you can log in to SaltStack Config

After installing SaltStack Config and completing the previous post-installation step, confirm you can log in to the user interface using your web browser. Chrome or Firefox is recommended.

The default installation uses https:// and generates a self-signed certificate.

The default credentials are as follows, replacing the url value with the DNS name or IP address of the RaaS node:

  • URL:
  • Username: root
  • Password: salt

Change root password

While still logged in to the user interface, consider changing your root password so that it is no longer the default.

This step is important for securing your SaltStack Config installation. To change the password:

  1. From the top left navigation bar, click the Menu menu icon , then select Administration to access the Administration workspace. Click the Local Users tab.
  2. Click root in the side menu to select it.
  3. In the Password field, type a new password. Enter the password again to confirm it.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Confirm the password has been changed by logging out and back in again.

Secure your RaaS credentials

The installer sets up default credentials for RaaS. Changing and securing these credentials is an important step. SaltStack Config provides various options for securing your RaaS credentials. For more information about each option and specific directions, see Securing credentials in your configuration.

What to do next

After logging into the user interface for the first time, you must complete additional post-installation steps. The next step is to accept the Salt master key and back up critical data. To continue the post-installation process, see Accept the Salt master key and back up data.