Upgrade the PostgreSQL and Redis databases before you upgrade the other SaltStack Config architectural components.

Upgrade PostgreSQL database

SaltStack Config requires a PostgreSQL 9.6 database, but PostgreSQL 12.4 is recommended. The recommended version of PostgreSQL is included with the SaltStack Config installer.

Upgrading to the latest version of PostgreSQL is not required. However, upgrading PostgreSQL can possibly improve performance. For instructions on upgrading to the latest version of PostgreSQL, see PostgreSQL upgrade.

Upgrade Redis database

SaltStack Config requires a Redis 5.x database, but Redis 5.0.4 is recommended. The recommended version of Redis is included with the SaltStack Config installer.

Upgrading to the latest version of Redis 5.x is not required. However, upgrading Redis can possibly improve performance. For instructions on upgrading Redis, see Redis Administration.

What to do next

After upgrading your databases, the next step is to upgrade your Salt components to the latest version of Salt. See Upgrade Salt for more information.