You can add Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition as a data source and fetch your cluster details in vRealize Network Insight.
- You must have the pks.clusters.admin privilege.
- You must add the corresponding NSX-T Manager.
- On the Settings page, click Accounts and Data Sources.
- Click Add Source.
- Under Containers, select TKGI.
- On the Add Data Source page, provide the following details:
Field Name |
Description |
NSX-T Manager |
Select the NSX-T Manager that supports the underlying networking for the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition deployment. |
Collector (Proxy) VM |
vRealize Network Insight automatically selects the corresponding collector VM associated with the chosen NSX-T Manager.
Note: The collector VMs that are added as a NetFlow collector are not available in the list.
API Hostname (FQDN) |
Enter the FQDN details of the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition API server. |
Username |
Enter the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition user name that has access to the clusters.
Note: The user must have the
pks.clusters.admin privileges.
Password |
Enter the password.
Note: Currently passwords having special characters like
&,(,),|,<,>,` are not supported.
- Click Validate.
You see the
Validation Successful message.
- Enter the nick name for the data source and add any notes for description, as desired.
- Click Submit.
If you see the
One or more Kubernetes Cluster Master hosts are not reachable from Collector VM error message, run the following commands on the collector VM:
pks login -a PKS_API_Server - u username -p password -k
pks clusters
Ensure that the cluster status is succeeded.
pks cluster Kubernetes_Cluster_Name
telnet Kubernetes_Master_Host Kubernetes_Master_port
Verify the primary host is able to connect.
- Repeat the step c and step d for each Kubernetes cluster that were discovered from step b.