Once you have added a threshold configuration, you can view its details on the Threshold Configuration page.


  1. On the left navigation panel, click Analytics. Click Thresholds.

  2. The following details for a threshold configuration are provided:
    • Name
    • Events
    • Scope

    If the configuration is disabled, then the alert for the violation of that particular threshold is not generated. You can also search for any particular threshold configuration on this page.

  3. Click the desired threshold configuration from the list to view the dashboard for that particular configuration.

    You can view the following widgets on the dashboard:
    • Graph: The threshold graph helps you detect the entities that have violated the thresholds.
    • Events: This widget provides the list of events that have been generated for violated thresholds for the last three days.
    • Top Entities by Violation: This widget lets you know the top entities that have been the cause of aberrations for the last three days.