Archiving a Problem

  1. Click the Show All link (if there is more than one instance of an event) to display all instances of the event.
  2. Hover on the instance of the event that you want to archive to display a set of icons, and then click the Archive icon .
  3. In the Event specific dialog box
    1. Select This event from the You are about to archive list, if you want to archive only this event.
    2. Select All events of this type from the You are about to archive list, if you want to archive all events of the same type in the system.
  4. Click Save.

Viewing all archived events

  1. On the Home page, type events in Search box and press Enter. A list of events is displayed.
  2. On the left hand pane, in the Archived facet, select True checkbox (highlighted in the screenshot below).

You can view all archived events here.

To restore an archived event

  1. On the Archived event, click the Archived icon . (See the preceding section on To view an archived event to know how to go to the Archived events page).
  2. In the Event specific dialog box
    1. Select This event from the You are about to restore from archive list, if you want to restore only this event.
    2. Select All events of this type from the You are about to restore from archive list, if you want to restore all similar type of events.
    3. Click Save to complete restoring.