vRealize Network Insight supports ServiceNow customizations using the configuration file in the JSON format.
{ "fetchOnlyApprovedApplications": false, "nameBasedSearchForVm": false, "ignoreWorkloadCheck": false, "ciGroup": [ { "name": "applicationClasses", "value": [ "cmdb_ci_service_discovered" ], "valueType": "CI_CLASS", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true }, { "name": "relationshipTypeClasses", "value": [ "*" ], "valueType": "CI_VALUE", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": false }, { "name": "workloadRelationshipTypeClasses", "value": [ "Hosted on::Hosts", "Instantiates::Instantiated by", "Runs on::Runs", "Virtualized by::Virtualizes" ], "valueType": "CI_VALUE", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": false }, { "name": "workloadCIClasses", "value": [ "cmdb_ci_computer", "cmdb_ci_vm_instance", "cmdb_ci_vmware_instance" ], "valueType": "CI_CLASS", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true }, { "name": "relationClasses", "value": [ "cmdb_rel_ci" ], "valueType": "CI_CLASS", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true }, { "name": "ignoredCIClasses", "value": [ "cmdb_ci_vcenter_server_obj" ], "valueType": "CI_VALUE", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true }, { "name": "ignoredTierCIClasses", "value": [ ], "valueType": "CI_VALUE", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true }, { "name": "trackedCIClasses", "value": [ "cmdb_ci_appl", "cmdb_ci_cluster", "cmdb_ci_cluster_node", "cmdb_ci_database", "cmdb_ci_lb_service", "cmdb_ci_spkg", "cmdb_ci_qualifier_manual_connection", "cmdb_ci_endpoint", "cmdb_ci_network_adapter", "cmdb_ci_translation_rule" ], "valueType": "CI_CLASS", "systemGenerated": true, "expandCIClass": true } ], "traversalRule": [ { "fromNode": [ "applicationClasses" ], "toNode": [ "trackedCIClasses", "workloadCIClasses" ], "relationship": [ "relationshipTypeClasses" ], "priority": 5 }, { "fromNode": [ "trackedCIClasses", "workloadCIClasses" ], "toNode": [ "trackedCIClasses", "workloadCIClasses" ], "relationship": [ "relationshipTypeClasses" ], "priority": 3 } ], "traversalStopRule": [ { "fromNode": [ "trackedCIClasses", "workloadCIClasses" ], "toNode": [ "applicationClasses" ], "relationship": [ "relationshipTypeClasses" ], "priority": 5 } ], "associationRule": [ { "fromNode": [ "trackedCIClasses", "workloadCIClasses" ], "toNode": [ "workloadCIClasses" ], "relationship": [ "workloadRelationshipTypeClasses" ], "priority": 5 } ] }vRealize Network Insight When the configuration change occurs, might take 30 minutes for full data fetch and for recomputation of all applications.
An example of a ServiceMap and discovered application using default CMDB configuration
This enables vRealize Network Insight to discover the applications in ServiceNow.