Users can selectively disable events and prevent notifications from being sent in future.

To disable event notification

Method 1
  1. On the event, click the Show All link (if there is more than one instance of an event) to display all instances of the event.
  2. Hover on the instance of the event, whose notification you want to disable. This displays a set of icons, click the Archive icon .
  3. In the Event specific dialog box, select the Disable all events of this type in future checkbox, and then click Save.
Method 2
  1. On the top-right corner of Home page, click the Profile icon, and then click Settings.
  2. In the Settings section, click Event Notifications to see a list of all enabled and disabled events.
  3. On the enabled event that you want to disable, in the Enabled column, click the left-side space of the respective slider.
  4. In the Confirm Action dialog box, click Yes.