You can use the VeloCloud Edge page to get a quick overview of the VMware SD-WAN Edge in vRealize Network Insight.

To access this page, search VeloCloud Edge and in the search result list, click the entity you want to view.


In this page, you see the following sections:

Section Details
Overview You see:
  • Summary of your VMware SD-WAN Edge, like the event chart, policies chart, uptime details, number of applications, segments, links, layer 2 networks, LAN interfaces, WAN interfaces, and tunnels.
  • VMware SD-WAN Edge topology.
  • List of Edge QoE, link QoE, and peer tunnel metrics.
  • Flow Visibility: Shows flow visibility though graphical chart (sankey chart) from source to destination, either directly or though any entity (for example, gateway, hub, and so on). Click on the chart to see more details about the flows.

    You can click the flows to see the flow path topology. In path topology, you can see two types of path: Config based and Flow based (if applicable).

Event You see:
  • List of various events.
Flows You see:
  • List of f.lows.
Analytics You see:
  • Various traffic distribution lists, like the traffic distribution by application and priority, flow path, traffic type, link policy, and route type.
Metrics You see:
  • Various metrics based on the Edge traffic, Edge packet, application traffic, application packets, link packet, link latency, link traffic, and tunnel traffic. You can click the plus (+) icon to get more details.

You can also click the entities on this page to the see more detailed insight about the particular entity.