You can use the Microsoft Azure page to get a quick overview of your Azure environment details in vRealize Network Insight.

How to access

To access this page, search Azure. Alternatively, in the Home page, in the OPERATE & TROUBLESHOOT section, click the Microsoft Azure icon.


In this page, you see:

  • List of subscriptions
  • List of virtual machines
  • List of network interfaces, virtual networks, subnets, route tables, and routes
  • List of network security groups, application security groups, and NSG rules.

You can also click the entities on this page to the see more detailed insight about the particular entity.

In addition to the Microsoft Azure page, you can see the insight about the following Azure entities:

Table 1. Azure Entity details
Entity name Description
Azure Application Security Group You see:
  • List of properties, events, associated VMs, and associated VMs for last 24 hours.
  • List of incoming NSG rules and outgoing NSG rules.
  • List of allowed flows, denied flows, flows for last 24 hours.
Azure Data Source You see:
  • List of properties, events, and metrics.
Azure NSG Rules You see:
  • List of properties, events, and metrics.
Azure Network Interface You see:
  • List of properties, events, and metrics.
Azure Network Security Group You see:
  • List of properties, events, NICs, and subnet.
  • List of outbound rules and inbound rules.
  • List of allowed flows, denied flows, flows for last 24 hours.
Azure Route You see:
  • List of properties, events, and metrics.
Azure Route Table You see:
  • List of properties, events, and metrics.
Azure Subnet You see:
  • List of properties, events, VMs, NICs, and custom routes.
  • List of NSG rules.
Azure Subscription You see:
  • List of properties and events.
  • List of virtual machines.
  • List of NICs, virtual networks, and route table
  • List of network security groups, application security groups, and NSG Rules.
Azure Virtual Machine You see:
  • List of properties, events, NICs, associated Application Security Groups (ASGs).
  • List of incoming NSG rules and outgoing NSG rules.
  • List of allowed flows and denied flows.
Azure Virtual Network You see:
  • List of properties, events, VMs, VMs created in last 24 hours, associated ASGs, associated ASGs for last 24 hours, subnets, and route tables.
  • List of allowed flows, denied flows, and flows for last 24 hours.