The event is defined either by the system or the user. The system events are predefined events.

The system events are listed in the System Events page under Settings. The following fields are specified for each event. You can filter the information based on your requirements in all the following columns except the Event column.
Table 1.
Column Description
Event This field specifies the name of the event.
Severity This field specifies the severity of the event. You can set it to the following values:
  • Critical
  • Moderate
  • Warning
  • Info
Type This field specifies if the event denotes a Problem or a Change.
Note: All the events of type Problem are logged into syslog.
Entities This field specifies that the event is configured to either include or exclude entities for event generation. By default, the value is All.
Notifications This field specifies the types of notifications that are sent. The notifications can be sent by email or SNMP trap or both.
Note: You must enable notification for all critical system defined events. To get the list of all critical system event, sort system event by severity.
Enabled This option is selected if the event is enabled.

When you hover the mouse on each event, you can see More Information. By clicking this option, you can see the description, event tags, and entity type for that event.

You can perform the following tasks on the system events:
  • Edit an event
  • Perform bulk edit
  • Disable an event for a particular entity