When you add a data source, you can come across several errors. This table contains the list of common errors with the cause and resolution for each.

Table 1.
Error Text Cause Resolution
Invalid Response from Data Source vRealize Network Insight collector was unable to process the information received from the Data Source as the information was not in the expected format. In some data providers this problem is observed intermittently and might go away in the next polling cycle. If it occurs consistently, contact support.
Data Source is not reachable from collector VM Data source IP address on SSH/REST (port 22 or 443) is either not reachable from the vRealize Network Insight collector VM or the data source is not responding. This error occurs while adding the data source. Verify connectivity to the data source from vRealize Network Insight collector VM on port 22 or 443. Make sure data source is up and running and the firewall is not blocking connection from vRealize Network Insight collector VM to the data source.
No NSX Controller found An NSX Controller has been selected in the NSX Manager data source page but there is no NSX Controller installed. Install an NSX Controller on NSX Manager and then select NSX Controller check box on the NSX Manager data source page.
Data source type or version mismatch Provided data source IP Address/FQDN is not of selected data source type. Verify that provided data source IP Address/FQDN is of selected data source type and version is supported by vRealize Network Insightt
Error connecting to data source vRealize Network Insight collector VM is unable to connect to the data source. This error occurs after adding the data source. Verify connectivity to the data source from vRealize Network Insight collector VM on port 22 or 443. Make sure that the data source is up and running and firewall is not blocking connection from vRealize Network Insight collector VM to the data source.
Not found vRealize Network Insight collector VM is not found. Check if pairing is done between vRealize Network Insight collector VM and vRealize Network Insight Platform VM.
Insufficient privileges to enable IPFix The user who is trying to enable IPFIX in vCenter does not have the required privileges. Provide adequate privileges to the user. For more information, see Add vCenter Server.
IP/FQDN is invalid The IP/FQDN provided on the data source page is not valid or does not exist. Provide valid IP/FQDN address.
No data being received vRealize Network Insight Platform VM is not receiving data from vRealize Network Insight collector VM for that data source. Contact Support.
Invalid credentials Provided credentials are invalid. Provide the correct credentials.
Connection string is invalid The IP/FQDN provided on data source page is not in proper format Provide valid IP/FQDN address.
Recent data may not be available, due to processing lag vRealize Network Insight Platform VM is overloaded and lagging behind in processing data. Contact support.
Request timed out, please try again vRealize Network Insight could not complete request in specified time. Try again. If the issue is not fixed, then contact support.
Failed for unknown reason, please retry or contact support Request failed for some unknown reason. Try again. If the issue is not fixed, then contact support.
Password authentication for SSH needs to be enabled on device SSH login using password is disabled on the device added Enable password authentication for SSH on the device being added for monitoring.
SNMP connection error Error connecting to the SNMP port Verify if SNMP is configured correctly on the target device.