You can use the NSX-T Transport Node page to get an overview of your transport node details available in vRealize Network Insight. You can view both host node details and Edge node details in vRealize Network Insight.

NSX-T Transport Node page where the node type is Host

To access this page, search for NSX-T Transport Node where Node Type = 'HostNode' and in the search result list, click the entity you want to view.


In this page, you see:

Section Details
Overview You see:
  • A summary of your host transport node, including the event chart, incoming traffic, outgoing traffic, internal traffic, number of network interfaces, and number of total VMs.
  • Properties details, transport node status, PNIC statistics in last 24 hours, TEP statistics in last 24 hours, and system metrics in last 24 hours.
    Note: The system metrics is available only for NSX-T version 2.4.0 and later.
Event You see:
  • A list of various events.
Latency You see:
  • TEP to TEP latency details.
Interface Stats You see:
  • Various interface stats, including received packets, transmitted packets, received dropped packets, transmitted dropped packets and so on.
System Stats You see:
  • Various system stats, including system load, system usage, and file system usage.
    Note: The System Stats is available only for NSX-T version 2.4.0 and later.
Flows You see:
  • Top VMs by flows (in last 24 hours) and top rules by flows (in last 24 hours).

NSX-T Transport Node page where the node type is Edge

To access this page, search for NSX-T Transport Node where Node Type = 'EdgeNode' and in the search result list, click the entity you want to view.


In this page, you see:

Section Details
Overview You see:
  • A summary of your Edge transport node, including the event chart, number of network interfaces, tier0 service routers, tier1 service routers, and routes.
  • Properties details, transport node status, uplink statistics in last 24 hours, TEP statistics in last 24 hours, and system metrics in last 24 hours
Event You see:
  • A list of various events.
NAT Stats You see:
  • Various NAT stats, including NAT Rule Statistics, top NAT rules by total bytes, top NAT rules by total packets, and top NAT rules by session count.
Interface Stats You see:
  • Various interface stats, including received packets, transmitted packets, received dropped packets, transmitted dropped packets and so on.
System Stats You see:
  • Various system stats, including system load, system usage, and file system usage.