In vRealize Network Insight, you can configure auto-refresh interval for entity pages and pinboards.

vRealize Network Insight provides the auto-refresh feature for the entity dashboards and pinboards. The dashboard refreshes automatically once in every n minutes specified on the header bar.

You can specify the time interval for which you want all your dashboards to perform an auto refresh. After the specified time interval ( n minutes), all the open widgets on the dashboard will reload automatically.
  • You cannot change the auto-refresh time interval for a particular dashboard.
  • Auto-refresh is paused if you select a past time interval in timeline slider.

You can pause auto-refresh if you do not require it for a particular dashboard. On the header bar, set Pause to ON. The auto-refresh counter resets once you set Pause to OFF.

If you are viewing a pinboard and if another user is making changes to it such as changing the layout of the pinboard, the auto-refresh feature not only updates the content but also refreshes the entire pinboard. This occurs only if sharing and collaboration exists between you and the other user.


  1. On the Settings page, click My Preferences. Or on the respective dashboard, click Modify next to Auto-Refresh in the header bar.
  2. Click Edit to change the time interval for auto-refresh. Select the time interval from the drop-down menu. Click Save.
  3. To disable the auto-refresh option, select Disabled from the drop-down menu. All the dashboards are disabled from refreshing automatically if you select this option.