An application is a collection of tiers. Each tier in an application is a collection of VMs and physical IPs based on the user-defined filter criteria. The applications allow you to create a group of tiers and visualize traffic or flows between the tiers of the same application and between applications.

You can create or add an application into vRealize Network Insight in three ways:
Application page provides complete visibility of a single application in vRealize Network Insight. This enables you to troubleshoot problems and also view the analytics.
  • An Overview
    • the application topology
      • Tier Overview
      • List of VMs in the applications
      • the physical IPs that the application depends or uses
      • Shared services
      • Applications with which this particular application is talking to
    • Events related to the applications
    • application VMs Manager
  • What's New in last 24 hours
    • Incoming and ougoing traffic count
    • Dropped flows
    • New and unprotected members
    • External accessed services
    • Internet accessed services
    • Used application ports
  • Traffic flows or flow analytics
    • Top Talkers
    • Top application flows by rule
  • Micro-segmentation
    • Contextual flows between entities, which provides data of different flow types like all allowed flows, and dropped flows, protected and unprotected flows by NSX DFW.
    • What's New in an application
  • Metrics
    • the VM metric information that represents network rate, CPU, memory and disk information.
    • the Kubernetes metrics