Once the cluster is created, you can expand the cluster by adding more platform nodes to it.

Note: You must perform the expand cluster operation only from Platform 1 (P1) node.


  1. On the Install and Support page, click Expand Cluster for Platform VMs.
  2. The IP addresses of the VMs that are part of the cluster already are listed on the Expand Cluster page. To add one or more nodes to the existing cluster, provide the IP address of the node and the support user password.
    • Currently, vRealize Network Insight supports 10 nodes in an existing cluster. Once the limit is reached, the Add more button is disabled.
    • Ensure that all the new nodes are non-provisioned and are reachable through SSH.
    • Ensure that you have taken a backup of the existing platform VMs before you go ahead with the cluster expansion.
  3. Click Submit.
    The step-by-step progress is displayed.
  4. Once the cluster expansion link is completed, a message indicating success is displayed.
    While the cluster expansion is in progress, the application cannot be used for any other operation.