This reference includes examples for the syntax information for the set-banner command.

Command Description Usage Examples

Sets the ssh banner.

Sets the post-login banner for consoleuser.

set-banner [-h] {support,consoleuser} banner
set-banner support
set-banner consoleuser “Text”


Flag Description
positional arguments:

Quoted text with \n for new 

Example invocations:

(cli) set-banner support "This is a ssh banner.\nRestricted access only!!"
Successfully set banner!
(cli) set-banner consoleuser "This is a post-login banner for consoleuser"
Successfully set banner!
(cli) logout

# ssh [email protected]
This is a ssh banner.
Restricted access only!!
[email protected]'s password:

# ssh [email protected]
This is a ssh banner.
Restricted access only!!
[email protected]'s password: 
This is a post-login banner for consoleuser