BGP Neighbor |
- BGP Neighbors of a given NSX-T Manager:
list(BGP Neighbor) of NSX-T Router where Manager = 'NSX-T Manager Name'
- BGP Neighbors of a given NSX-T Router:
list(BGP Neighbor) of NSX-T Router 'Router Name'
- BGP Neighbors of a given NSX-T Transport Node:
list(BGP Neighbor) of NSX-T Service Router where Active Node = 'Transport Node Name'
- BGP Neighbor with non active BGP Status:
list(BGP Neighbor) of BGP Connection where BGP Status != 'Active'
- BGP Neighbor with a specific AS number:
BGP Neighbor where Local AS = '64500
BGP Connection |
- All BGP Connection of a BGP Neighbor:
BGP Connection where BGP Neighbor = 'BGP Neighbor IP Address'
- All BGP Connection with a specific BGP Status:
BGP Connection where BGP Status != 'ACTIVE'
- All BGP Connections of an NSX-T Router or NSX-T Manager:
BGP Connection where Logical Router = 'Router Name' or Manager = 'NSX-T Manager Name'
- All BGP Connections with a specific Remote AS:
BGP Connection where Remote AS = '12334'
Routes tagged with BGP Neighbor |
- BGP Learned Routes for a given NSX-T Manager:
Route where BGP Neighbor = 'BGP Neighbor IP Address' and Vrf.manager = 'NSX-T Manager Name'
- BGP Learned Routes on a given Router:
Route where BGP Neighbor = 'BGP Neighbor IP Address' and vrf = 'Router Name'
- BGP Learned Routes from a BGP Neighbor with a Specific BGP Status:
Route where BGP Neighbor in (list(BGP Neighbor) of BGP Connection where BGP Status != 'Active')
vRealize Network Insight stores the FIB routes from the NSX-T Edge nodes. These search queries, return the FIB routes which are learned from the BGP Neighbor details.
ECMP Status |
- NSX-T Router with ECMP enabled:
NSX-T Router where ECMP = 'Enabled' and manager = 'NSX-T Manager Name'
- NSX-T Edge having ECMP enabled:
NSX-T Transport Node where ECMP = 'Enabled'
- NSX-T Edge Cluster where an ECMP Router is deployed:
NSX-T Edge Cluster where ECMP = 'Enabled'
Note: An NSX-T router is ECMP enabled when it is deployed with the HA of active-active.