While exporting the data from widgets in the CSV files, you can save the combination of the properties (or columns) that you want to export in the property templates. These property templates are enabled for the CSV export when the results belong to a single entity type. If you search with a keyword that lists the multiple entity types, they cannot save the combination of the properties in the property templates.

When you open the CSV export modal, you see the default property selections for the search results (based on the entity type). You can change this list of the selected properties and save the new configuration for your future reference. Alternatively, you can also load or open a pre-saved property template from the Templates section on the CSV export modal. When you change the value, you will see the selected properties for the selected property template.

The CSV export modal with the default property selections for the search results based on the entity type.

Once you make changes to the selected properties for the export, you can create a property template from the CSV export modal or edit an existing property template. This template is of the same entity type as that of the current search results.

You can view the list of the existing property templates in the system by navigating to the Settings -> Property Templates page. The list on the Property Templates page shows the existing templates with details such as entity type, last updated, and number of properties. You can edit or delete property templates from the Property Templates page. You can edit the property template except change its name.