In vRealize Network Insight, you can add your VMware vCenter Server, VMware NSX-T, and VMware HCX that are deployed in the Google Cloud VMware Engine.

Note: vRealize Network Insight does not support native Google Cloud components that are attached to your Google Cloud VMware Engine SDDC.

Configuring Google Cloud VMware Engine in vRealize Network Insight

To get insight about your vCenter Server, NSX-T, and VMware HCX that are deployed in the Google Cloud VMware Engine, you must add the vCenter, NSX-T, and VMware HCX in vRealize Network Insight.

Add vCenter Server

To add vCenter Server for the Google Cloud VMware Engine, you must use the VMware Cloud (VMC) - VMware vCenter data source option in the UI. Ensure you have Cloud Administrator privilege.

  1. On the vRealize Network Insight UI, go to Settings > Accounts and Data Source > Add Source.
  2. Under VMware Cloud (VMC), click VMC - vCenter.
  3. In the Add a VMware Cloud (VMC) - VMware vCenter page, do the following:
    1. Select the Collector VM.
    2. Provide the vCenter FQDN/IP address.
    3. Provide the user credentials for your vCenter Server.
  4. Click Validate.
  5. Enter Nickname and Notes (Optional) for the data source and click SUBMIT.

Add NSX-T Manager

After you add vCenter Server, you must add NSX-T Manager. To know how to add NSX-T Manager, see Add VMware NSX-T Manager.
Note: When you add an NSX-T Manager data source for the Google Cloud VMware Engine in vRealize Network Insight, do not select the Enable latency metric collection check box. vRealize Network Insight does not support the latency collection metrics feature for the Google Cloud VMware Engine.

In case you have selected the Enable latency metric collection check box, you get NSX-T latency collector not configured alert. You can disable the alert or edit the NSX-T Manager data source and clear the Enable latency metric collection check box.

Add VMware HCX

You can add VMware HCX that are deployed in the Google Cloud VMware Engine in vRealize Network Insight. To know how to add VMware HCX, see Add VMware HCX topic.

What to Do Next

Once the data collection starts, you can view the data source related information in vRealize Network Insight. To know about entity details, see Viewing Entity Details topic.