To match your requirements, you can change the brick size of your appliance from MEDIUM to LARGE or LARGE to EXTRA-LARGE.

To know about the brick size specifications, see the System Recommendations and Requirements topic.


  • To increase the brick size of your setup, do the following as necessary:
    • Increase the disk size. For more information, see the Increase the Disk Size topic.
    • Increase RAM, total vCPU and corresponding reservation. To increase RAM, total vCPU and corresponding reservation, do the following steps that are relevant to your setup:
    Option Description
    For a single node platform or fresh independent OVA
    1. Log in to VMware vCenter.
    2. Shutdown the Platform VM using the Shut Down Guest OS option.
      Note: Do not use the Power Off option.
    3. Increase RAM, total vCPU and corresponding reservation of the VM as required to match the target brick size.
    4. Power On the Platform VM.
    For a cluster setup
    1. Log in to VMware vCenter.
    2. Shutdown the Platform VM using the Shut Down Guest OS option in the reverse chronological order. For example: Shut down from Node 3 to Node 1.
      Note: Do not use the Power Off option.

      After you shut down each Platform node, you must wait for 4-5 minutes for services to stabilize for the remaining Platform nodes.

    3. Increase RAM, total vCPU and corresponding reservation as required to match the target brick size.
    4. Power On the Platform VMs in the chronological order. For example: Restart from Node 1 to Node 3.
    For a collector
    1. Log in to VMware vCenter.
    2. Shutdown the Collector VM using the Shut Down Guest OS option.
      Note: Do not use the Power Off option.
    3. Increase RAM, total vCPU and corresponding reservation of the VM as required to match the target brick size.
    4. Power On the Collector VM.