The Alerts List view pins provide a list of alerts in chronological order for a particular entity or group of entities (that can be selected from the dropdown in the pin header).

You can change how far back in time (from now) should the pin show the alerts by using the available presets or entering in a custom date/time. Other filter options such as Alert Status and Alert Type can be selected by clicking on the filter icon.

In the below image, the alerts related to VM Prod-db-vm21 and its related entities are displayed. You can click the entity name to view alerts from other related entities. Using the filter you can filter the alerts based on their status and their types. An alert can be a change or a problem related to an entity.

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You can search for the alerts by using the alerts search query. You can search for open or closed alerts with queries such as open alerts or closed alerts. You can also search for problems with the same modifiers.