vRealize Network Insight collects many metrics for hosts, including CPU usage, datastore, memory, network, and disk metrics.

CPU Usage Metrics for Hosts

These metrics provide information about the CPU use on the host.
Metric Name Metric API Name Description Supported by Databus
CPU Co-stop Time (%) cpu.costop.delta.summation.millisecond Percentage of time the host is ready, but unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints.
CPU Ready Time (%) cpu.ready.delta.summation.millisecond Percentage of time the VM was waiting in line to use the CPU on the host.
CPU Run Time (ms) cpu.run.delta.summation.millisecond Total time spent in run state by all VMs of this host.
CPU Usage (MHz) cpu.usagemhz.rate.average.megaHertz Average CPU use in megahertz. Yes
CPU Usage Rate (%) cpu.usage.rate.average.percent Percentage of the CPU used out of its total capacity. Yes
CPU Wait Time (ms) cpu.wait.delta.summation.millisecond Total CPU time spent in wait state such as CPU idle, CPU swap wait, and CPU I/O wait.
Uptime (s) sys.uptime.absolute.latest.second Total time elapsed since the last system startup.

Network Metrics for Hosts

These metrics provide information about the network performance of the host.

Metric Name Metric API Name Description Supported by Databus
Dropped Rx Packets net.droppedRx.delta.summation.number Average ratio of the number of dropped Rx packets to the total number of Rx packets. Yes
Dropped Tx Packets net.droppedTx.delta.summation.number Average ratio of the number of dropped Tx packets to the total number of Tx packets. Yes
Incomplete TCP Flow Drop Count flow.fiveTupleIncompleteTcp.delta.summation.number Total number of five tuples (source IP address, source port, destination IP address, destination port, and protocol) dropped due to incomplete TCP flags.

The drop occurs when the TCP handshake is not complete.

Max IO Latency datastore.maxTotalLatency.absolute.latest.millisecond Highest latency value across all datastores connected to the host.
Max Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum data transmission rate on the host over any five minute interval in the selected duration.

Maximum network rate includes both transmitted and received data.

Max Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum data transmission rate on the host over any five minute interval in the selected duration. Yes
Max Packet Drop Ratio (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.maximum.percent Maximum ratio of total packets dropped to total number of packets received over any five minute interval in the selected duration. Yes
Max Packet Drops net.droppedTotal.delta.maximum.number Maximum number of dropped packets over any five minute interval in the selected duration. yes
Multicast Rx Packets net.multicastRx.delta.summation.number Total number of multicast packets received across all pNICs (physical network adapters) during the sampling interval. Yes
Multicast Tx Packets net.multicastTx.delta.summation.number Total number of multicast packets transmitted across all pNICs during the sampling interval. Yes
Network Max Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum network data receive rate on the host over any five minute interval in the selected duration. Yes
Network Packet Count net.packetsTotal.delta.summation.number Total number of packets transmitted and received during the interval across all pNICs. Yes
Network Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped packets to total number of packets. Yes
Network Packet Drops net.droppedTotal.delta.summation.number Total number of packet drops on the host. Yes
Network Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate at which data was received during the time interval. Yes
Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate of received and transmitted traffic during the time interval. Yes
Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate at which data was transmitted during the time interval. Yes
Outbound Expire Flow Drop Count flow.fiveTupleExpireOutbound.delta.summation.number Number of five tuples dropped due to the number of source IP addresses of flows reaching the outbound limit.

The outbound limit for TCP flows is 1000 (allowed) and 50 (denied), and the outbound limit of UDP flows is 500 (allowed) and 50 (denied).

This is a protection mechanism to make sure that the entities do not overload the total flow limit.

Rx Broadcast Packets net.broadcastRx.delta.summation.number Number of broadcast packets received during a specified time interval. Yes
Rx Broadcast Ratio net.broadcastByRx.ratio.average.percent Percent of broadcast packets received during a specified time interval. Yes
Rx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropRx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped Rx packets to total number of Rx packets. Yes
Rx Packets net.packetsRx.delta.summation.number Average number of received packets during the time interval. Yes
Total Disk Latency (ms) disk.totalLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average total latency (sum of kernel and device latency) for both read and write commands.
Total Network Traffic net.usage.delta.summation.kiloBytes Sum of data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances of the host. Yes
Tx Broadcast Packets net.broadcastTx.delta.summation.number Number of broadcast packets transmitted during a specified time interval. Yes
Tx Broadcast Ratio net.broadcastByTx.ratio.average.percent Average percent of broadcast packets transmitted during a specified time interval. Yes
Tx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropTx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped Tx packets to total number of Tx packets. Yes
Tx Packets net.packetsTx.delta.summation.number Average number of transmitted packets during the time interval. Yes
Unicast Rx Packets net.unicastRx.delta.summation.number Total number of unicast packets received by the host. Yes
Unicast Tx Packets net.unicastTx.delta.summation.number Total number of unicast packets transmitted by the host. Yes
Wrong Collector Flow Drop Count flow.rawRecordReporterWrongCollector.delta.summation.number

Number of raw flow records dropped as they were reported on a wrong type of vRealize Network Insight collector.

Physical flows must be reported to physical proxies. Other flows must be reported to non-physical proxies.

Datastore Metrics for Hosts

These metrics provide information about the datastore use of the host.

Metric Name Metric API Name Decription
Read IOPS datastore.numberReadAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Read Latency (ms) datastore.totalReadLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average latency of each read operation issued by the link through which the host is connected to the datastore.
Read Rate (Kbps) datastore.read.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average number of kilobytes read by the link through which the host is connected to the datastore.
RW IOPS datastore.numberRWAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of read and write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
RW Rate (Kbps) datastore.usage.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond The aggregated input rates and output rates of the link through which the host is connected to the datastore.
Write IOPS datastore.numberWriteAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Write Latency (ms) datastore.totalWriteLatency.absolute.average.millisecond

Average latency of each write operation issued by the link through which the host is connected to the datastore.

Write Rate (Kbps) datastore.write.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average number of kilobytes written by the link through which the host is connected to the datastore.

Memory Metrics for Hosts

These metrics provide information about memory use and allocation on the host.

Metric Name Metric API Name Decription Supported by Databus
Memory Balloon mem.vmmemctl.absolute.average.kiloBytes The amount of memory currently claimed by the balloon driver.

This metric indicates that the host is taking memory from less needful VMs, and allocating it to those VMs where there is an increased memory requirement.

Memory State (0-3) mem.state.absolute.latest.number Overall state of the memory. The value is an integer between 0 (high) and 3 (low).
Memory Swap Used mem.swapused.absolute.average.kiloBytes The amount of swap memory currently in use.

A large amount of swap memory does not indicate a performance problem. Check the swap rates to verify if the guest is actively in need of more memory than that is available.

Memory Swap-In Rate (Kbps) mem.swapinRate.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Rate at which the memory is swapped from disk to active memory during the time interval.
Memory Swap-Out Rate (Kbps) mem.swapoutRate.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Rate at which the memory is being swapped from active memory to the disk during the time interval.
Memory Usage Rate (%) mem.usage.absolute.average.percent Percentage of memory used from the available machine memory. Yes
Reserved Memory (KB) mem.reservedCapacity.absolute.average.megaBytes Amount of reserved memory by powered-on VMs and the memory used for running VMware vSphere services on the host.
Overhead Memory (KB) mem.overhead.absolute.average.kiloBytes Memory overhead reported by the host.

Memory overhead is the total memory allocated to powered on VMs beyond its reserved memory and the memory used for running vSphere services on the host.

Consumed Memory (KB) mem.consumed.absolute.average.kiloBytes Total memory consumed by the VMs and VVware vSphere services in the host.
Active Memory (KB) mem.active.absolute.average.kiloBytes Total memory actively used by the host.

Total memory includes memory used by VMs and VMware vSphere services running on the host. The VMkernel estimates the total memory based on recently touched memory pages.


Disk Metrics for Hosts

These metrics provide information about disk use of the host.

Metric Name Metric API Name Description
Average Read Latency (ms) disk.deviceReadLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average latency of each read operation issued to complete a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) command from the physical device.
Average Write Latency (ms) disk.deviceWriteLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average latency of each write operation issued to complete a SCSI command from the physical device.
Disk Bus Resets disk.busResets.delta.summation.number Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval.
Disk Commands Aborted disk.commandsAborted.delta.summation.number Number of SCSI commands aborted during the collection interval.
Disk Device Latency (ms) disk.deviceLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average amount of time taken to complete a SCSI command from the physical device.
Disk Kernel Latency (ms) disk.kernelLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average amount of time spent by the VMkernel processing each SCSI command.
Disk Queue Depth disk.queueDepth.absolute.latest.number Maximum queue depth during the collection interval.
Disk Queue Latency disk.queueLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI command, during the collection interval.
Disk Reads (KB) disk.read.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average number of reads through this link.
Disk Writes (KB) disk.write.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average number of writes through this link.
Read IOPS disk.numberReadAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of reads issued to complete a SCSI command through this link.
RW IOPS disk.numberRWAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of reads or writes issued to complete a SCSI command through this link.
Total Disk Latency (ms) disk.totalLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average amount of time taken during the collection interval to process a SCSI command issued by the guest operating system to the VM.
Write IOPS disk.numberWriteAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of writes issued to complete a SCSI command through this link.