You can configure remote syslog servers for vRealize Network Insight by using the Syslog Configuration page.

While every collector can potentially have a different remote syslog server, all the platform servers in a cluster use the same remote syslog server.

In the current release, the vRealize Network Insight problem alerts and platform or collector syslogs are sent to the remote syslog server.

Currently, vRealize Network Insight supports only UDP for communication between vRealize Network Insight servers and remote syslog servers. So ensure that your remote syslog servers are configured to accept syslog traffic over UDP.

To configure syslogs:

  1. In the Settings page, under Logs, click Syslog Configuration.

    The Syslog Configuration page has the configured syslog servers and their mappings to the virtual appliances listed. If you are accessing this page the first time, then the syslog is deactivated by default and the list of servers on this page does not appear.

  2. To add a syslog server:
    1. Click Add Server.
    2. Enter the IP Address, nickname, and port number of the server. The standard port number for UDP is 514.

      The IP address can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or a fully qualified domain name.

    3. To test the configuration, click Send Test Log.
    4. Click Submit.
    5. If it is the first server that you have added, then enable syslog at the top of the page.
  3. To map the server to platforms, alerts, or collectors:
    1. Under Source - Server Mapping, individually edit the server for all platforms, alerts, or collectors.
    2. Select the syslog server.
    3. If you do not want to enable syslog, select the No server option.
    4. Click Submit.
      Note: After you make the changes, it can take a few minutes for them to be effective.