In vRealize Network Insight, you can configure web proxies to connect to other entities (data sources, cloud service platforms, and so on) when the connection is made over the Internet.

You can add, edit, and delete web proxies in vRealize Network Insight.
Note: This feature is supported for the following data sources:
Data Sources Web Proxy (HTTP) Web Proxy (HTTPS)
VMware SD-WAN Yes Yes
Service Now Yes Yes
Amazon Web Services Yes Yes
Microsoft Azure Yes No
VMware Cloud (VMC) - NSX Manager Yes Yes
Note: To enable a web proxy, you must edit the data source and select a web proxy from the Web Proxy (Optional) drop-down menu.

Supported Web Proxies

In vRealize Network Insight, you can add the following types of web proxies:
  • HTTP and HTTPS unauthenticated web proxy
  • HTTP and HTTPS authenticated web proxy with the basic authentication
  • HTTP web proxy with the NTLM authentication supported through CLI only.
    Note: If you set NTLM authentication-based web proxy using CLI on a platform VM, then the platform VM cannot communicate with Cloud Service Providers (CSP). This is because currently, we do not support communication with CSP using NTLM web proxy.

Add a Web Proxy

  1. Go to Settings > Web Proxies > ADD WEB PROXY.
  2. In the Add Web Proxy window, do the following:
    Option Action
    Type Select a web proxy type from the drop-down menu.
    IP Address/FQDN Enter the IP/FQDN of the web proxy you want to add.
    Port Enter the port number used by the web proxy.
    Nickname Enter a nick name for the web proxy.
  3. (Optional) Select the Use credentials check box, and provide a username, password, and authentication method.
  4. Click SUBMIT.

Edit and Delete a Web Proxy

To Edit a web proxy, do the following:
  1. Settings > Web Proxies.
  2. In the Web Proxies page, click the edit icon next to the web proxy you want to edit, and modify the information as required.
  3. Click SUBMIT.
Note: You cannot edit web proxies added using CLI.
To delete a web proxy, do the following:
  1. Click the delete icon next to the web proxy you want to delete.
    Note: Make sure that the web proxy you want to delete has zero Connected Entities. If you have one or more Connected Entities, then you must migrate the entities to a different web proxy before moving to the next step.
  2. In the Confirm Action window, click DELETE.

Collector Migration for Web Proxies

Before migrating collector to version 6.1, if you set a web proxy on the collector using CLI, and if you set the flag isHttpProxyEnabled = TRUE, then all the data sources which were reachable through the web proxy, work seamlessly after the migration to 6.1 as the system auto applies the web proxy details to these data source configurations.

Note: During Collector migration to version 6.1, if you set a web proxy on the collector using CLI, and if you set the flag isHttpProxyEnabled = FALSE then Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure data sources may not work after migration. You have to select a web proxy for both Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure data sources from the Accounts and Data Sources page. See Supported Public Cloud Accounts for details.