The Troubleshoot page provides all the relevant and required information you might need to troubleshoot an entity using Guided Network Troubleshooting in vRealize Network Insight.

On this page, you see the following sections:

Section Details
Summary You see:
  • Information related to the incident, such as status, root cause metrics, session info, and so on.
  • Information related to the entity that you are troubleshooting, such as start entity name, traffic and flows on the entity.
  • Any previously available sessions count.
Time Range

You see the selected time range for anomaly detection.

You can change the selected time range for which you want the system to perform anomaly detection.


You see the selected analysis type and level.

The single metric performs anomaly detection on the single metric time-series, and the multi metrics perform anomaly detection on the two correlated time-series metrics.

You can also see the sensitivity level. The sensitivity level determines how the system detects anomalies. The higher the level you select, the more the number of anomalies you see. You can select one of the following sensitivity level: low, medium, or high.

Relationships You see the dependency graph of the selected entity for which you are troubleshooting.

The dependency graph shows all the related entities based on network, storage, and compute relations. You can select the entities in the dependency graph, and view information related to each selected entity.

In the dependency graph, all the related entities are grouped in various categories, such as by VMs, Host, Flows, and so on.

You can click the plus icon to expand a group. You can also use sort by and group by function to see entities in a particular order in a group.

The system shows all anomalies found in the dependency graph in red.
Metrics and Alerts You see all the metrics and alerts relevant to the selected entity in the Relationship widget.

You see all the anomalies in a metrics highlighted by an inverted triangle () for quick detection.

You can view report based on the analysis type you have selected by clicking Analysis button. Also, you can filter metrics and alerts based on various parameters, such as metric name, entity name, and so on.

If you find a metric that might be a potential root cause, you can click The Mark as root cause icon to mark the metric.

If you find a metric which you want to mark for your reference, you can click The Flag metric icon to flag the metric.

Notes You see a section for notes to add your findings, insights, or other information that you want to remember.