The tab displays the state of each object in your environment. Objects are members of groups and applications that you define.

Where You Find Inventory

From the left menu, click Environment, then select the Inventory tab.

Use the toolbar options to manage objects.

Table 1. Inventory Toolbar Options
Option Description
Action An action on the selected object. Depends on the object type. For example, Power on VM applies to the selected virtual machine. See List of VMware Aria Operations Actions.
Open in external application If an adapter includes the ability to link to another application for information about the object, click the command to access a link to the application. For example, Open Virtual Machine in a vSphere Client or Search for VM logs in VMware Aria Operations for Logs.
Filter Limit the list to objects matching the filter.
Table 2. Inventory Data Grid Options
Option Description
Object Name Displays a summary of the object.
Summary Criticality of the health, risk, and efficiency of any object.