Configure the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGI) adapter to monitor the Kubernetes clusters created using TKGI. The Kubernetes adapter instance is automatically created after you configure the TKGI adapter. If you are deploying the Kubernetes cluster through TKGI, do not configure the Kubernetes adapter instance. For the provided PKS/TKGI environment details, the TKGI adapter instance queries the TKGI API every 5 minutes (default collection interval) for new Kubernetes Cluster deployed and creates a Kubernetes Adapter Instance against each discovered cluster.
- From the left menu, click Data Sources > Integrations, and then click the Repository tab in the right pane.
- Click Add Account on the VMware vRealize® Operations™ Management Pack for Kubernetes tile.
Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to Data Sources > Integrations, and then click the Accounts tab. Click Add Accounts to configure the adapter instance.
- Click Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated from the adapter list and configure the adapter instance.
Field Name
Display Name
Enter the display name of the TKGI adapter.
(Optional) Enter a description for the adapter instance.
TKGI API Hostname (FQDN)
Enter the API URL for the TKGI instance.
TKGI Instance Alias
Enter the alias name for the adapter instance.
Collector Service
Enter the collector service running as cAdvisor deployed externally as a Daemonset OR Prometheus service to get container metrics.
- To add the credentials, click the plus icon.
Field Name
Credential Name
The name by which you are identifying the configured credentials.
User name
The user name to access the TKGI API.
PKS UAA Management Admin Client's secret
The PKS UAA Management Admin client secret to access the api.
Proxy Hostname
IP Address of the HTTP Proxy Server.
Proxy Port
Proxy Port (80/8080).
Proxy Username
Username to access proxy.
Proxy Password
Password to authenticate proxy.
(Optional) UAA/LDAP Username
Provide UAA Credentials if Internal UAA is enabled and provide LDAP Credentails if LDAP Server is enabled.
The User Account and Authentication (UAA) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP) credentials is used to communicate with the TKGI UAA server to obtain authentication token and to configure the Kubernetes adapter instance with the authentication model using the bearer token.
Note:UAA/LDAP credentials are required only if the OpenID Connect authentication service is enabled to use UAA/LDAP Server in TKGI.
UAA/LDAP Password
UAA/LDAP password.
Prometheus Server
Enter the URL of Prometheus API Server.
Prometheus endpoint username
Enter name of proxy server hosting Prometheus.
Prometheus endpoint password
Enter password of proxy server hosting Prometheus.
- (Optional) From the Collector/Groups drop-down box, select the collector or collector group upon which you want to run the adapter instance. This option is set to the optimal collector by default.
- Click Validate Connection to validate the connection.
- Use Advanced Settings to define the following:
- Auto Configure Kubernetes Adapter Instance: Select the Enabled option to discover the Kubernetes cluster in a TKGI instance and create Kubernetes adapter instances automatically. Select the Disabled option to manually create the Kubernetes adapter instance.
- Auto-accept Kubernetes Cluster SSL Certificate: Select the Enabled option to accept the untrusted certificates presented by the K8s adapter instances by default. Select the Disabled option to manually accept the untrusted certificates for the auto-configured K8s adapter instances.
- Auto-delete Kubernetes Adpater Instance: Select the Enabled option to delete the K8s adapter instances for deleted kubernetes clusters. Select the Disabled option to retain the K8s adapter instances.
- Prometheus Metric Labels: Enable this option to include all the Prometheus metric labels (label name and value) under the Prometheus metric group.
- Prometheus metric labels to exclude: Enter the Prometheus labels that needs to be excluded from the Prometheus metric group.
- Click Add.