Use the following steps to configure monitoring for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated.


  1. From the left menu, click Data Sources > Integrations, and then click the Repository tab in the right pane.
  2. Click Add Account on the VMware vRealize® Operations™ Management Pack for Kubernetes tile.

    Alternatively, you can navigate to Data Sources > Integrations, and then click the Accounts tab. Click Add Accounts to configure the adapter instance.

  3. Click Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated from the adapter list and configure the adapter instance.

    Field Name



    Enter the name for this instance of the TKGI adapter as you want it to appear in vRealize Operations


    Enter the description for the instance with any additional information that helps you manage your instances.

    TKGI API Hostname (FQDN)

    Enter the URL of the TKGI API that needs to be accessed to discover clusters.

    TKGI Instance Alias

    Enter the alias name for the adapter instance.

    Note: This field is used to distinguish between TKGI endpoints that have the same FQDN. Every TKGI endpoint should ideally have a unique FQDN, but there are rare instances when this may not be the case. The alias name is used internally within vRealize Operations to distinguish adapters if they have the same TKGI FQDN

    Collector Service

    Select cAdvisor or Prometheus based on the option you would like to use to monitor the metrics in the Kubernetes clusters. This option will be used for all the discovered clusters. For example, if you choose cAdvisor, then vRealize Operations will use collect metrics using cAdvisor for all the clusters discovered using this instance of the TKGI adapter.

  4. Select the credential you want to use to sign on to the environment from the drop-down menu. To add new credentials, click the + icon.

    Field Name


    Credential Name

    Enter the name by which you can identify the configured credentials.

    This will be stored in the Credential section in Integrations.

    Username Enter the username to access the TKGI API.
    PKS UAA Management Admin Client’s Secret Enter the client secret from the TKGI User Account and Authentication service to be used for authenticating access to the TKGI API.

    Enter the details of the proxy server to which vRealize Operations must connect to only if a proxy server is used to connect to TKGI

    Proxy Hostname Enter the hostname of the proxy server to which vRealize Operations needs to connect.
    Proxy Port Enter the port of the proxy server.
    Proxy Username Enter the username to authenticate while connecting to the proxy server.
    Proxy Password Enter the password to authenticate while connecting to the proxy server.
    UAA/LDAP Username

    Enter UAA Credentials if Internal UAA is enabled or provide LDAP Credentials if LDAP Server is enabled in enabled in the TKGI environment.

    The User Account and Authentication (UAA) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) credentials are used to communicate with the TKGI UAA server to obtain authentication token and to configure the Kubernetes adapter instance with the authentication model using the bearer token.

    • UAA/LDAP credentials are required only if the OpenID Connect authentication service is enabled to use UAA/LDAP Server in TKGI.
    • If the internal UAA is used, and no other UAA user has been created then use the credentials in the “UAA Admin Password” section in the Ops Manager TKGI user interface

    Enter the details of the Prometheus server only if you have selected Prometheus as the collector service.

    Prometheus Server Enter the URL of the Prometheus API server.
    Prometheus endpoint username Enter the username for the Prometheus server.
    Prometheus endpoint password Enter the password of the Prometheus server.

    Prometheus endpoint token (Only for the Red Hat OpenShift clusters)

    Note: This is relevant only for clusters discovered by the Red Hat OpenShift adapter.
    Enter the bearer token to authenticate the Prometheus server.
  5. Select the collector or collector group on which you want to run the adapter instance from the Collector/Groups drop-down. This option is set to the optimal collector by default.
  6. Click Validate Connection to check if you can successfully connect to the TMC endpoint.
  7. Optionally, use Advanced Settings to define the following:

    Field Name


    Auto-delete Kubernetes Adapter Instance

    Set this field to Enabled to automatically delete Kubernetes adapter instances and related objects in vRealize Operations for any clusters that have been deleted in the TKGI environment.

    Set this field to Deactivated to retain the Kubernetes adapters and related objects even if the clusters are deleted in the TKGI environment. In this case, the adapter instances will have to be deleted manually.

  8. Click Add.