The <MappingDefinition> section contains the collection of metric groups and respective metric mappings for a specific Kubernetes resource in vRealize Operations. The name of the resource to which the mappings are to be made should be mentioned under the resourceKind attribute. The values of the resourceKind attribute for the Kubernetes objects in vRealize Operations are as followd:

Kubernetes Object in vRealize Operations Value for the resourceKind Attribute
Kubernetes Namespace namespace
Kubernetes Node node
Kubernetes Deployment deployment
Kubernetes ReplicaSet replicaset
Kubernetes Pod pod
Container container
A single <MappingDefinition> section can hold multiple groups along with metric mappings within it. These metric groups should be unique along with unique metric mappings in it. Below is a sample MappingDefinition with metric groups and metrics defined. The sections below detail the purpose of each of the components.
<MappingDefinition resourceKind="node">
   <MetricGroup groupName="Summary" isInstanced="false">
      <Metric instancedLabelName="" metricName="Node Boot Time" metricUnit="sec" promMetricName="node_boot_time_seconds" isRate="false"/>