To create a least-privileged user (LPU) for the management pack, you must assign the read-only role in UCS Manager/Central to the Cisco UCSM and/or UCSC user you plan to use as your management pack credentials .

UCS Manager

  1. Log in to UCS Manager as an administrator, then navigate to Settings > User Management > User Services > Locally Authenticated Users (or Remotely Authenticated Users for domain users), then select the user you plan to use for your management pack credentials.

  2. In the General tab, under Roles, ensure that the read-only role is selected.

  3. Click Save.

UCS Central

  1. Log in to UCS Central as an administrator, then navigate to Settings > User Settings.

  2. In the UCS Central Users Administration window that appears, click the Local Users (or Remote Users for domain users) tab, then select the user you plan to use for your management pack credentials.

  3. Click the Roles tab and ensure the Read Only role is selected.

  4. Click Save.

What to do next

Installing the Management Pack (Cisco UCS)