Use the Horizon RDS Pools dashboard to view the performance of the farms, RDS hosts, RDS desktop pools, and application pools in your Horizon environment. The Horizon RDS Pools dashboard is specific to Horizon 6.1 and later environments.

The widgets on the Horizon RDS Pools dashboard are organized into three columns: the left column contains widgets for farms, the middle column contains widgets for RDS desktop pools, and the right column contains widgets for application pools.

Each column on the Horizon RDS Pools dashboard contains a Resource List widget, a Heat Map widget, and four Top-N Analysis widgets. Each Resource List widget is the master widget for the Heat Map widget in its column. For example, when you select a farm in the Farms widget in the first column, the Heat Map widget in that column shows data for the farm that you selected.

In the Farms, RDS Desktop Pools, and Applications Pools widgets, you can click the Dashboard Navigation button on the widget toolbar to launch Horizon Administrator. In the other widgets, you can click the Dashboard Navigation button to navigate to other dashboards.

Tips for Using the Horizon RDS Pools Dashboard

  • The colored rectangles in the RDS Hosts, RDS Desktop Sessions, and Application Sessions widgets represent particular objects. For example, in the RDS Hosts widget, each rectangle represents a particular RDS host. You can point to a rectangle to view basic information about its associated object.

  • The size of the rectangle indicates the value of one metric, the color of the rectangle indicates the value of another metric, and the widget configuration determines which metric values the widget shows. For example, if you select Sized by Workload - Colored by Health from the Configuration drop-down menu, rectangles are sized according to the value of the workload metric and are colored according to the value of the health metric. Red indicates a low value and green indicates the high end of the value range.

  • Use the Top-N Analysis widgets for RDS hosts to view the RDS hosts that use the most CPU processor time and have the highest number of committed bytes in use, disk transfers per second, and bytes sent per second. Use the Top-N Analysis widgets for RDS desktop and application sessions to view the sessions that have the highest latency, transmission bandwidth, transmission packet loss, and session logon times. Viewing the extreme performers in any category can help you to assess the overall performance of your environment.