Use the Horizon Applications dashboard to view the status and performance of application pools and their associated farms, hosts, instances, and users.

Table 1. Horizon Applications Widgets
Widget What It Shows

Application Pools

All application pools in the environment. Select an application pool to see related information in other widgets.

Application Instances

Running instances of the selected application pool, including the user name, session state, duration, server, virtual machine, and collection status of each instance.

Application Users

Users that launched the selected application during the specified time period. You can click the Date Controls icon in the toolbar to configure up to three time periods. The default setting is the past hour.

Application Pool Relationship

Parent and children objects of the selected application pool.

Application Instance Resource Trend

Usage of application instance resources over time. You can click the Time Range icon in the toolbar to set the period of time in which you want to see trends. The default setting is the past hour.