You can configure the level of information vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager collects in log files and the number of log files for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.


  1. Click Settings and navigate to System Administration > Logs.
  2. In the Select Log Level drop-down menu, select the level of information vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager collects in its log files.
  3. In the Select Log File Count drop-down menu, select the number of log files for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager to keep.
    vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager starts a new log file when the previous file reaches more than 25 MB. vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager keeps the most recent log files and deletes any older log files over the number specified.
  4. Click Update Log Level.
  5. To download logs, click Trigger Download Logs.
    Note: After you trigger the download logs, you can go to request page to monitor the log download status. For vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 1.3, the relevant logs for LCM appliance are found in the following locations:
    • /var/log/vlcm/vrlcm-server.log: Contains engine logs
    • /var/log/vlcm/vrlcm-xserver.log: Contains log for the xenon layer