vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager supports the following node types and parameters.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
domain Specifies the domain name.
vrliRootPassword Specifies the root password for the vRealize Log Insight appliance.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.
deployOption Specifies the deployment option: small, medium, or large.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
vrliLicenseKey Specifies the vRealize Log Insight license key.
installerLocation Specifies the file path location where the OVA is stored.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
ipAddress Specifies the virtual machine IP address.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the vCenter datastore name.
userName Specifies the vCenter user name.
uberAdmin Specifies the vIDM user to be assigned the product administrator role post-deployment.
network Specifies the network name.
masterVidmEnabled Specifies whether to configure vRealize Log Insight with vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager vIDM. Set to true or false.
vrliAdminEmail Specifies the vRealize Log Insight administrator email address.
hostname Specifies the host name for the virtual machine.
password Specifies the vCenter password.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP.
domain Specifies the domain name.
name Specifies the virtual machine name.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
vrliClusterVips Specifies the vRealize Log Insight cluster vIPS in the format vRLI-Cluster-IP#vRLI-Cluster-IP-Hostname.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name.
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
vrbTelemetryEnabled Flag to enable telemetry in vRealize Business for Cloud.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
vrbCurrency Specifies the vRealize Business for Cloud currency format.
sshEnabled Specifies whether SSH is enabled in sshEnabled. Set to true or false.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vrbLicenseKey Specifies the vRealize Business for Cloud license key.
isTelemetryEnable Specifies whether telemetry is enabled in vRealize Business for Cloud. Set to true or false.
domain Specifies the domain name.
vrbRootPassword Specifies the root password for the vRealize Business for Cloud appliance.
uberAdmin Specifies the vIDM user to be assigned the product administrator role post-deployment.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name.
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
vrbTelemetryEnabled Flag to enable telemetry in vRealize Business for Cloud.
tenantPassword Specifies the password for the tenant user who has the business management administrator role in vRealize Automation. Used for vRB-vRA registration.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
tenantUser Specifies the user name for the tenant user who has the business management administrator role in vRealize Automation. Used for vRB-vRA registration.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
vrbCurrency Specifies the vRealize Business for Cloud currency format.
sshEnabled Specifies whether SSH is enabled in sshEnabled. Set to true or false.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vrbLicenseKey Specifies the vRealize Business for Cloud license key.
isTelemetryEnable Specifies whether telemetry is enabled in vRealize Business for Cloud. Set to true or false.
domain Specifies the domain name.
vrbRootPassword Specifies the root password for the vRealize Business for Cloud appliance.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.
isStandalone Specifies whether vRealize Business for Cloud is provisioned as a standalone deployment. Set to true or false.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
uberAdmin Specifies the vIDM user to be assigned the product administrator role post-deployment.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
demUserName Specifies the DEM user name in domain¥username format. If not provided, the default Windows user name given at the product level is used.
demPassword Specifies the DEM password. If not provided, the default Windows password set at the product level is used.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
installationPath Specifies the Windows file path location where this component is installed.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name
msUserName Specifies the IaaS service user name in domain¥username format. If not provided, the default Windows user name given at the product level is used.
msPassword Specifies the IaaS service user password. If not provided, the default Windows password set at the product level is used.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
installationPath Specifies the Windows file path location where this component is installed.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name
webUserName Specifies the IaaS service user name in domain¥username format. If not provided, the default Windows user name given at the product level is used.
webPassword Specifies the IaaS service user password. If not provided, the default Windows password set at the product level is used.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
installationPath Specifies the Windows file path location where this component is installed.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Details
name Specifies the virtual machine name
agentUserName Specifies the IaaS service user name in domain¥username format. If not provided, the default Windows user name given at the product level is used.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
agentPassword Specifies the IaaS service user password. If not provided, the default Windows password set at the product level is used.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
installationPath Specifies the Windows file path location where this component is installed.
vsphereEndpointName Specifies the vCenter endpoint name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the virtual machine name
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
sshEnabled Specifies whether SSH is enabled on the appliance. Set to true or false.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
domain Specifies the domain name.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.


Parameter Description
vidmVraDisabledAdvanced Federates vRealize Automation internal vIDM with vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager vIDM. Set true to disable or false to enable.
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
installerLocation Specifies the file path location where the OVA is stored.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
network Specifies the network name.
vidmPassword Specifies the vRealize Automation default SSO administrator password.
licenseKey Specifies the vRealize Automation license key.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
domain Specifies the domain name.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.


Parameter Description
useWindowsAuthentication Specifies whether to use Windows authentication for IaaS DB. Set to true or false.
databaseUserName Specifies the SA user name. Used in case Windows authentication is set to false.
databasePassword Specifies the SA password. Used in case Windows authentication is set to false.
useExistingDatabase Specifies whether to use an existing database within the machine. Set to true or false.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
databaseName Specifies the IaaS database name.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.


Parameter Description
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
msUserName Specifies the IaaS service user name in domain¥username format. If not provided, the default Windows user name given at the product level is used.
msPassword Specifies the IaaS service user password. If not provided, the default Windows password set at the product level is used.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.


Parameter Description
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
installerLocation Specifies the file path location where the OVA is stored.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
ntpServer Specifies the NTP server IP address.
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
masterVidmEnabled Specifies whether to register with vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager vIDM. Set true or false.
license Specifies the license key.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
domain Specifies the domain name.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.


Parameter Description
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
domain Specifies the domain name.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.


Parameter Description
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
extendedStorage Specifies the vCenter datastore name for extended storage.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
domain Specifies the domain name.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.


Parameter Description
cluster Specifies the cluster name in vCenter in the following format: data_center_name#vcenter_cluster_name
ipAddress Specifies the IP address for the virtual machine.
dns Specifies the DNS IP address. Use a comma to separate multiple addresses.
vCenterHost Specifies the vCenter host name.
storage Specifies the datastore name.
network Specifies the network name.
userName Specifies the vCenter administrator user name.
password Specifies the vCenter administrator password.
hostname Specifies the host name for the node.
netmask Specifies the netmask IP address.
name Specifies the virtual machine name
domain Specifies the domain name.
diskFormat Specifies whether the disk format is thick or thin.
ntpServer Specifies the NTP server IP address.
searchpath Specifies the DNS search path.
gateway Specifies the gateway IP address.