Using a single PATCH request, you can pre-validate the upgrade request for a product deployed in your vRealize Suite environment and trigger a product upgrade. If the pre-validation fails, the product upgrade does not start.


Satisfy the following conditions before performing any tasks for this use case.


  1. Upgrade a product in your environment.
    curl -X PATCH "https://LCM-HostName/lcm/api/v1/action/upgrade/product" \
      -H "accept: application/json" \
      -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token" \
      -H "content-type: application/json" \
      -d "{ 
        "environmentId": "<Environment-ID>",  
        "productType": "<ProductType>", 
        "repositoryType": "URL", 
        "repositoryUrl": "<Product-Upgrade-File-URL>", 
        "productVersion": "<Product-Version>", 
        "requestId": "<request-ID>",
        "preValidate": "<Prevalidate-True-or-False>",
        "requestState": "<Request-State-Post-Patching>",
    Table 1. Input Parameters to Patch Product Upgrade Request
    Parameter Description
    environmentId Environment ID is in the response to the request for a list of all environments managed by vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. See List All Products in an Environment.
    productType Supported vRealize Suite product name in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. For example: vra, vrbc, vrops, vrli, or vrni.
    repositoryType Repository Type can be URL or lcmrepository .
    repositoryUrl The URL points to the upgrade binary file. For example: https://<LCM-IP>:4443/productlinks/vrli/4.6.0/upgrade/<UpgradeFileName>.
    productVersion vRealize Suite product version post upgrade. For example, if upgrading from version x.x.x to version y.y.y, the value is y.y.y.
    requestId ID received from the response of the call POST /action/upgrade/product. See Create Product Upgrade Request.
    preValidate Option to pre-validate the upgrade request before starting the upgrade: true or false.
    requestState Request state to patch the existing state. Default is SUBMITTED.
    Note: If preValidate=true and the pre-validation check fails, the patch is unsuccessful and the upgrade process does not start. If you assess that the failure to pre-validate is not critical to the operation of the product, set preValidate=false so that the upgrade will run.
  2. Examine the response to track the request.
    The output includes:
    • id = Product Update Request ID provided as input.
    • status = Request status
  3. (Optional) Monitor the status of the request with the Product Update Request ID.
    curl -X GET "https://LCM-HostName/lcm/api/v1/request/status/<Product-Update-Request-ID>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token"