To create an environment in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, select one or more binaries for the products.

You can map the correct library items for the respective products deployed by vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. If none are selected, a default binary from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager is used to deploy that product.


  1. To add a content library item, click +SELECT CONTENT LIBRARY ITEMS.
  2. Search for a library item or select one from the content library. You can add multiple content libraries and associate products as required.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Select a Product corresponding to the selected content library item.
    Note: vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager validates the OVF package in the specified content library item corresponding to the selected product.
  5. Click Next.
    Note: The content library item for a particular node, if it needs to be deployed into a different vCenter, can be selected.


After submitting your binaries maps, click next to configure your network settings.