vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager does not allow you to configure NTP settings for the virtual appliance during the OVA deployment. This section covers information on accurate time synchronization with the infrastructure and the suite products it deploys and manages.


Verify that the SSH service on the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager appliance is enabled.


  1. Log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager by using the Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    1. Open an SSH connection to the FQDN or IP address of the virtual appliance.
    2. Log in using following credentials, with Setting as value, User Name as root and Password as root_password for the user.
  2. Configure the NTP source for the virtual appliance.
    1. Open the /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf file to edit, such as vi.
    2. Remove the comment for the NTP configuration, add the NTP settings, and save the changes. For example, NTP=ntp.sfo01.rainpole.local ntp.lax01.rainpole.local
  3. Enable the systemd-timesyncd service and verify the status.
    1. Run the timedatectl set-ntp true command to enable the network time synchronization.
    2. Run the systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd to enable the NTP synchronization
    3. Run the timedatectl status to verify the status of the service.
  4. Logout of the session by entering Logout.