Each product has a different request body for import. To see the properties required for your product, refer to the examples provided.
For property definitions used in the calls, see Properties for Environment Operations.
Request body example for vRealize Orchestrator Integrated Import
vRealize Orchestrator is always integrated with vRealize Automation. Before importing vRealize Orchestrator, verify that you have an ID for the environment with vRealize Automation 8.8 installed.
For example, list all environment IDs.
curl -X GET \ '$url/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments' \ -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ | jq "."
Examine the response to locate your environment ID as in the following example:
... { "environmentId": "517b54cf-1921-4e94-b726-ad1b0fc8f8f3", "environmentName": null, ... }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.8.0", "patchHistory": null, "snapshotHistory": null, "logHistory": null, "clusterVIP": null, ...
Use the environment ID as input in request body example to import
vRealize Orchestrator into the environment that has
vRealize Automation installed.
{ "environmentId": "517b54cf-1921-4e94-b726-ad1b0fc8f8f3", "environmentName": "vra-vro-env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "cluster": "Datacenter#New Cluster", "dns": "", "certificate": "locker:certificate:e9065351-8f9a-49b8-8f69-9939bb5a9344:default", "diskMode": "thin", "vCenterHost": "", "storage": "w1_hs1_unity680f_01_DS04", "ntp": "", "vCenterName": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "netmask": "", "dataCenterVmid": "4c9f2997-dc9b-414a-b813-5c12d382b815", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "domain": "sqa.local", "enableTelemetry": "true", "timeSyncMode": "host", "folderName": "", "acceptEULA": "true", "vcPassword": "locker:password:a0be081b-5129-41df-a19e-00d9584f3efc:admin@local", "gateway": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:a0be081b-5129-41df-a19e-00d9584f3efc:admin@local", "resourcePool": "", "__authenticationInfo": null, "isVcfEnabledEnv": "false", "isVcfUser": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vro", "version": "8.8.0", "properties": { "vraTenantList": "", "vidmTenantAdmin": "", "vidmTenantAdminPassword": "locker:password:a0be081b-5129-41df-a19e-00d9584f3efc:admin@local", "rootPassword": "locker:password:a0be081b-5129-41df-a19e-00d9584f3efc:admin@local", "isImport": "true", "vroHostName": "sqa.local", "vCenterList": "[{\"vCenterHost\":\"lcm-vc2.sqa.local\",\"vcUsername\":\"[email protected]\",\"vcPassword\":\"locker:password:a0be081b-5129-41df-a19e-00d9584f3efc:admin@local\"}]" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ], "metaData": { "isCloudProxyEnvironment": "false" } }
Request body example for vRealize Log Insight
{ "environmentName": "vrli_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrli", "version": "8.0.0", "properties": { "vrliHostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vCenterList": "", "vrliAdminPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdad-4c5bb:VMware1!", "rootPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdad-49c5bb:VMware1!", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Business for Cloud
{ "environmentName": "vRBC_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-32ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrbc", "version": "7.6.0", "properties": { "vrbCafeHost": "", "vrbHostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vrbRootPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "vCenterList": "", "vrbAuthType": "standalone", "vrbVidmHostName": "", "vrbVidmAdminUserName": "", "vrbVidmAdminPassword": "", "vrbCafeSsoTenant": "vsphere.local", "vrbCafeSsoAdminUser": "", "vrbCafeSsoPassword": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Automation 8.x
{ "environmentName": "vra_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb36032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.1.0", "properties": { "windowsPassword": "", "vraImportVersion": "8.0.0", "cafeHostNamePrimary": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "cafeRootPasswordPrimary": "locker:password:81fb36-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "windowsUserName": "", "tenantName": "vsphere.local", "tenantUserName": "", "tenantUserPassword": "", "vraAdminPassword": "", "vCenterList": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for VMware Workspace ONE Access
{ "environmentName": "globalenvironment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:609cb1528:DC1-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-e43810:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:0ee3fce5-de0b-448a-80e9-9acf78b1d2c6:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vidm", "version": "3.3.2", "properties": { "hostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vidmSystemAdminPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-d62c10:VMware1!", "vidmAdminPassword": "locker:password:d224e6462c10:VMware1!", "vidmSshPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-e438-462c10:VMware1!", "vidmRootPassword": "locker:password:d224e64fbd62c10:VMware1!", "isImport": "true", "defaultConfigurationUsername": "configadmin", "defaultConfigurationPassword": "locker:password:d224e61-d9dc10:VMware1!", "syncGroupMembers": false, "vCenterList": "" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Network Insight
{ "environmentName": "vrni_import_env", "environmentHealth": null, "logHistory": null, "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrni", "version": "5.1.0", "properties": { "platformIP": "", "vrniPlatformUserName": "configadmin", "vrniPlatformPassword": "", "supportPassword": "", "consolePassword": "", "vCenterList": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }