To create a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint, you make a POST request with a request body that includes vRealize Orchestrator specific parameters.
As a content developer, you use the API to create a
vRealize Orchestrator endpoint. The
vRealize Orchestrator endpoint is required to create
vRealize Automation endpoints and to capture content.
- Create an endpoint to capture vRealize Orchestrator content such as workflows, configuration elements, and actions individually or in a folder where they reside. For the server, use the FQDN, IP address, or host name of the vRealize Orchestrator instance that you are adding to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
curl -X POST \
'$url/lcm/cms/api/v1/endpoints' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"tagIds": ["vro-prod-env"],
"supportCapture": false,
"supportTest": false,
"supportRelease": true,
"supportTemplates": false,
"supportOnlySourceControlledContent": false,
"storeTemplates": true,
"requestedBy": "VLCMADMIN",
"name": "vro-prod",
"enabled": true,
"category": "Orchestration",
"ignoreModules": "com.vmware",
"ignoreWorkflowFolders": "/Library,/System",
"version": "7.x",
"server": "<VRO_IP_FQDN>",
"userName": "<username_to_access_content_endpoint>",
"password": "<password>",
"endpointType": "CONTENT_ENDPOINT"
}' | jq "."
- Examine the response.
"message":"Endpoint Successfully Created",
- Assign the reference ID of the endpoint to a variable name.
vROEndpoint = '<referenceID>'
- Get information about the vRealize Orchestrator endpoint.
curl -X GET \
'$url/lcm/cms/api/v1/endpoints/{$vROEndpoint}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq "."
- Examine the response for information about the vRealize Orchestrator endpoint.
"id": "7be2d7f0-bb34-4779-809f-904c328e1a7c",
"createdOn": 1573121755916,
"lastUpdatedOn": 1573121756159,
"supportCapture": false,
"supportTest": false,
"supportRelease": true,
"supportTemplates": false,
"supportOnlySourceControlledContent": false,
"storeTemplates": true,
"requestedBy": "admin@local",
"name": "vro-prod",
"enabled": true,
"category": "Orchestration",
"systemEndpoint": false,
"version": "7.x",
"server": "",
"userName": "[email protected]",
"password": "example_user_password",
"ignoreModules": "com.vmware",
"ignoreWorkflowFolders": "/Library,/System",
"reviewRequired": false,
"endpointType": "CONTENT_ENDPOINT",
"userIdentity": "admin@local"
What to do next
Use your endpoint to manage the following types of
vRealize Orchestrator content:
- Orchestrator-Workflow
- Orchestrator-Action
- Orchestrator-Configuration-Element
- Orchestrator-Package