Verify that the environment and installation settings are accurate.


  1. Verify that the listed environment and installation settings are accurate.
  2. (Optional) Click Back or click the relevant page in the navigation pane to change any settings.
  3. (Optional) Click Export to export a configuration file with all the product and user data for this private cloud.

    You can use the exported configuration file to create a private cloud. See Create a Private Cloud Environment Using a Configuration File. Modify the exported configuration file as required before using it create another private cloud. The Private and primary key is not included in the exported config file while deploying an exported file. You need to manually insert those keys.

    Update/modify the exported configuration file as required before using it create another private cloud.

  4. (Optional) Select the Topology tab for a high-level view and integration flow of the available vRealize Suite products in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. Click on a specific vRealize Suite product, group, or node to view the product or node properties, such as FQDN, IP address, network, DNS, and more.
  5. Click Finish.
    vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager creates the private cloud environment and begins installing the selected vRealize Suite products in the background.

What to do next

To monitor product installation progress, click Home. Installation progress appears under Recent Requests.