You can download the executable file from the My VMware download page.


  1. Download the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager Easy Installer executable file from the My VMware download page.
  2. After you download the file, mount the lcm-installer.iso file.
  3. Browse to the folder vrlcm-ui-installer inside the CD-ROM.
  4. The folder contains three subfolders for three operating systems. Based on your operating system, browse to the corresponding operating system folder inside the vrlcm-ui-installer folder.
  5. Click the installer file in the folder.
    Operating System File Path
    Windows lcm-installer\vrlcm-ui-installer\win32
    1. Log in to Linux VM.
    2. Run apt-get install p7zip-full.
    3. Run 7z x vra-lcm-installer.iso.
    4. Run chmod +x vrlcm-ui-installer/lin64/installer
    5. Run apt install libnss3 (required only if the libnss3 component is not installed.)
    6. Run vrlcm-ui-installer/lin64/installer.
    Mac vrlcm-ui-installer/mac/Installer
  6. The vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager Easy Installer UI is specific to the operating system. Ensure that you are using the valid UI folder path to run the installer.


You can now install vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager using the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager Easy Installer.