You can use the installation wizard to create a private cloud environment and install vRealize Suite products.


  • Configure Product Binaries for the products to install. See Configure Product Binaries.
  • Ensure that you have added a vCenter server to the data center with valid credentials and the request is complete.
  • Generate a single SAN certificate with host names for each product to install from the Certificate tab in the UI.
  • Verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements for each of the vRealize Suite products you want to install. See the following product documentation for system requirements.

  • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config (formerly known as Salt Stack Enterprise) offers two setup options:
    • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config vRA-Integrated: This setup is introduced as a part of vRealize Automation 8.3.0. SaltStack Config (SSC) is a single node setup, which does not support multiple node setup or vertical scale up options. Prior to installing SaltStack Config vRA-Integrated, ensure that the supported version of vRealize Automation is installed. After vRealize Automation is installed, if multiple tenancy is not enabled, the SaltStack instance associates with the base tenant of vRealize Automation. When multi-tenancy is enabled in vRealize Automation, SaltStack Config vRA-Integrated associates with the newly added tenants, and then proceeds with the installation. When vRealize Automation is imported, the SaltStack Config vRA-Integrated instances which are associated with vRealize Automation are also imported.
    • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config Standalone: This setup has no dependency on vRealize Automation.

      For more information on installing and configuring Salt Stack in an vRealize Automation environment, refer to the Salt Stack documentation.

      When installing vRealize Automation SaltStack Config, you require the following licenses.
      • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config vRA-Integrated: vRealize Automation Enterprise, vRealize Automation Advanced or Suite license.
      • vRealize Automation SaltStack Config Standalone: vRealize Automation Standard Plus license.
  • If you are installing vRealize Automation, you must meet the following additional prerequisites.
    • Configure the vRealize Automation load balancer. See vRealize Automation Load Balancing.
    • Disable the second member of each pool in the vRealize Automation load balancer. You can re-enable these members after installation is complete.
    • The cloud administrator has added all IaaS nodes and the Windows database server to the domain.
    • The Windows database server and IaaS meet all vRealize Automation prerequisites. See IaaS Windows Servers.

      Add the domain user as part of User Rights Assignment under Local Security Policies for Log on as a Service and Log on as a batch job.

    • The domain user has added the SQL server to the domain.
    • Add the domain user as part of the SQL DB user Logins list with the sysadmin privilege.
    • Install latest JRE (Java 1.8 or later) and create a JAVA_HOME environment variable on all Windows nodes.
    • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
    • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later.
      • A copy of .NET is available from any vRealize Automation appliance:https://vrealize-automation-appliance-fqdn:5480/installer/

        If you use Internet Explorer for the download, verify that Enhanced Security Configuration is disabled. Navigate to res://iesetup.dll/SoftAdmin.htm on the Windows server.
    • Set User Access Control settings to Never Notify on both Windows and database server virtual machines.
    • Take a snapshot of the database machine and all Windows IaaS machines after configuration and before triggering the deployment in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
    • Configure one NSX Edge as Active and one as Passive for the Windows machine. For detailed information on how to configure the NSX Load Balancer, see Load Balancing the Cloud Management Platform in Region A.
    • On all of the windows IaaS machines used in vRealize Automation deployment, log in to windows machine at least once as a domain user. If you do not login at least once to the IaaS machines, then the following error appears:
      Private key is invalid: Error occurred while decoding private key. The computer must be trusted for delegation 
      and the current user must be configured to allow delegation.
    • Ensure that the IaaS nodes do not have any vRealize Automation components already installed. Follow the steps in the KB article 58871 to uninstall any vRealize Automation components in the IaaS node.
    • Update the registry key on both Windows and database server virtual machines.
      1. Use the default PowerShell and run the following command as administrator on all Windows and database server virtual machines: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableLUA" -Value "0"
      2. Reboot the Windows virtual machine.
    • Verify that the TLS 1.0 and 1.1 values are not present in the IaaS windows machine registry path HKLM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols.
    • Alternatively, vRealize Automation install precheck provides a script, which can be executed in all Windows and database server to perform the above operations.
  • If you are importing an existing vRealize Operations Manager installation, set a root password for that installation.