You can delete an existing environment from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Managerand not individual products. You cannot select a specific product within an environment to delete.

You can delete both successful and failed environment deployments. You can delete environments that are failed to deploy or you can delete an initiated environment.

Note: You can edit an existing environment that is in progress or failed deployment state in vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. Select any product card under Environments, click the vertical ellipses for the chosen product, and select Edit Environment Details to edit the environment. You have the option to edit the environment name or the environment description. However, you cannot edit the environment name for globalenvironment.
VMware Identity Manager installation is optional when creating an environment. If you delete a VMware Identity Manager environment:
  • vRealize Automation 8.x cannot be installed or imported.
  • You cannot use VMware Identity Manager as an authentication source for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
  • You cannot access Identity and Tenant management. The user and active directory management becomes inaccessible. The existing roles and user mappings of VMware Identity Manager from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager is removed.


  1. Click Manage Environments to delete a successfully installed environment, or delete a failed environment deployment listed under Recent Requests in Home page.
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the environment tile, and select Delete Environment.
  3. (Optional) Select Delete related virtual machines from vCenter to delete all virtual machines associated with this environment from vCenter server.
    If you do not select this option, all virtual machines associated with this environment remain in vCenter after the environment is deleted from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
  4. (Optional) Select Delete related Windows machines to delete Windows machines associated with vRealize Automation this environment.
    This option is available only for vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 7.x releases if you choose to delete all related virtual machines from vCenter. Ensure to confirm this action before you proceed.
  5. Select Delete related virtual machines from vCenter to delete virtual machines associated with the environment.

    This option is available only if you have virtual machine associated with an environment in vCenter server. If selected, then virtual machines associated to the environment is also deleted from the vCenter server. If it is not selected, then only the record of this environment is deleted from the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager inventory.

  6. Click DELETE.
  7. If you chose to delete virtual machines associate with the environment, verify that the list of virtual machines to delete is correct, and click CONFIRM DELETE.
    IaaS virtual machine names do not appear in this list.
    Note: If the delete operation fails, an option is enabled in the environment card Delete environment from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. This action deletes the environment from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager and you can delete the VMs manually from the vCenter server. For brownfield import, if you fail to add a vCenter list, then delete environment confirmation dialog box does not show the VM list in that particular vCenter and you have to clean them up manually. For an organic growth, the environment card from the recent activity home page is not deleted or dimmed.
  8. Click CLOSE.


The environment is removed from vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.

What to do next

You can view the progress of the delete operation on the Requests page.