Add a vCenter Server to a Data Center before using that vCenter Server to create a private cloud environment.


Ensure that you have the vCenter Server fully qualified domain name, user name, and password.


  1. On the left pane, click Datacenters.
  2. To add a vcenter, on the Datacenters page, click + Add vCenter.
  3. Enter the vCenter Name and vCenter FQDN.
  4. Click Select vCenter Credentials.
    1. You can either search for an existing vCenter credentials or add new credentials using the + sign .
    2. Click the + sign on the right corner to assign a password for the selected vCenter credential.
    3. Enter the Password details and click Add.
  5. Enter the vCenter User Name for the vCenter server.
    You should have the required vCenter privileges.
  6. Select the vCenter Type.
    • Management: All VMware SDDC Suite products are managed by this vCenter type.
    • Workload: All the payload or business related VMs are managed by this vCenter type.
    • Consolidated Management and Workload: Is a vCenter type, where both VMware SDDC Suite products and payload VMs are managed together.
    vCenter Type selection is currently used only for classification; the setting has no associated product functionality.
  7. Click Validate and Save the changes.
  8. To import vCenter Servers, click Import.
    1. Select the .CSV file and click Import. You can upload only one file at a time for a bulk import of VCs in a selected datacenter.
    2. Click Submit.

What to do next

Go to the Requests page to see the status of this request. When the status is Completed, you can use this vCenter Server to create environments. For more information on vCenter user privileges, see .