The Management Pack for Apache Hadoop collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Apache Hadoop resource kinds.

Download metrics list as .csv file

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Hadoop Cluster Details NodeManagers Active float NodeManagers Active
Hadoop Cluster Details NodeManagers Decommissioned float NodeManagers Decommissioned
Hadoop Cluster Details NodeManagers Lost float NodeManagers Lost
Hadoop Cluster Details NodeManagers Rebooted float NodeManagers Rebooted
Hadoop Cluster Details NodeManagers Unhealthy float NodeManagers Unhealthy
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Completed from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Completed from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Failed from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Failed from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Initializing from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Initializing from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Killed from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Killed from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Launched from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Launched from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Containers Running from NodeManager Descendants float Sum of Containers Running from NodeManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Sum of Users Active from ResourceManager Descendants float Sum of Users Active from ResourceManager Descendants
Hadoop Cluster Details Unique Child Hostnames integer Unique Child Hostnames
Hadoop Cluster Relationships Hadoop Tag Parents string List of parent Hadoop Tag resources
Hadoop Cluster Relationships NameNode Children string List of child NameNode resources
Hadoop Cluster Relationships ResourceManager Children string List of child ResourceManager resources
Hadoop Tag Relationships Cluster Children string List of children Cluster resources
Hadoop Related KVM VMs Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Children string List of children KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop Related Nutanix VMs Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Children string List of children Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop Related VMs Relationships VMware Virtual Machine Children string List of children VMware Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop External Resources Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Children string List of children KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop External Resources Relationships VMware Virtual Machine Children string List of children VMware Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop External Resources Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Children string List of children Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop DataNode CPU Process CPU Load float Attribute ProcessCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode CPU System CPU Load float Attribute SystemCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In BLOCKED State integer Attribute ThreadsBlocked from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In NEW State integer Attribute ThreadsNew from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In RUNNABLE State integer Attribute ThreadsRunnable from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In TERMINATED State integer Attribute ThreadsTerminated from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In TIMED_WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsTimedWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode CPU Threads In WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Details JVM Version string Attribute SystemProperties from Bean java.lang:type=Runtime
Hadoop DataNode Details Metric Endpoint string Metric Endpoint
Hadoop DataNode Details OS Name string Attribute Name from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode Details OS Version string Attribute Version from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode Details Tag Hostname string Attribute tag.Hostname from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Details Total ERROR Log Messages float Attribute LogError from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Details Total FATAL Log Messages float Attribute LogFatal from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Details Total INFO Log Messages float Attribute LogInfo from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Details Total WARN Log Messages float Attribute LogWarn from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Details Version string Attribute Version from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeInfo
Hadoop DataNode Disk Blocks Read float Attribute BlocksRead from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Blocks Removed float Attribute BlocksRemoved from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Blocks Replicated float Attribute BlocksReplicated from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Blocks Written float Attribute BlocksWritten from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Cache Capacity float Attribute CacheCapacity from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Cache Used float Attribute CacheUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Cached integer Attribute NumBlocksCached from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Capacity Lost Due To Volume Failure float Attribute EstimatedCapacityLostTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Capacity Used float Capacity Used
Hadoop DataNode Disk Capacity Used Ratio float Capacity Used Ratio
Hadoop DataNode Disk Data Read float Attribute BytesRead from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Data Written float Attribute BytesWritten from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=DataNodeActivity-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Disk Capacity float Attribute Capacity from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Disk Remaining float Attribute Remaining from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Distributed File System Used float Attribute DfsUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Failed To Cache integer Attribute NumBlocksFailedToCache from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Failed To Uncache integer Attribute NumBlocksFailedToUncache from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Failed Volumes integer Attribute NumFailedVolumes from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Last Volume Failure Date (from Unix epoch) float Attribute LastVolumeFailureDate from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Read Blocks Diff float Read Blocks Diff
Hadoop DataNode Disk Reads Diff float Reads Diff
Hadoop DataNode Disk Removed Diff float Removed Diff
Hadoop DataNode Disk Replicated Diff float Replicated Diff
Hadoop DataNode Disk Storage Info string Attribute StorageInfo from Bean Hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-.*
Hadoop DataNode Disk Write Blocks Diff float Write Blocks Diff
Hadoop DataNode Disk Writes Diff float Writes Diff
Hadoop DataNode Memory Current Heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Current Heap Memory Used float Attribute MemHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Current Non-heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemNonHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Current Non-heap Memory Used float Attribute MemNonHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Free Physical Memory float Attribute FreePhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode Memory Garbage Collection Count integer Attribute GcCount from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Garbage Collection Count Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcCountMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Garbage Collection Time integer Attribute GcTimeMillis from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Garbage Collection Time Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcTimeMillisMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Maximum Heap Memory Size float Attribute MemHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Maximum Memory Size float Attribute MemMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Maximum Non-heap Memory Size float Attribute MemNonHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Memory Total Physical Memory float Attribute TotalPhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop DataNode Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop DataNode Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop DataNode Status Node Status string Node Status
Hadoop DataNode Status Power State string Power State
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Group Resolution Average Time float Attribute GetGroupsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Group Resolutions integer Attribute GetGroupsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failure Average Time float Attribute LoginFailureAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failures integer Attribute LoginFailureNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Success Average Time float Attribute LoginSuccessAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Successes integer Attribute LoginSuccessNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Publish Average Time float Attribute PublishAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Publish Operations integer Attribute PublishNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Publishes Dropped integer Attribute DroppedPubAll from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Sinks Total integer Attribute NumAllSinks from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Snapshot Average Time float Attribute SnapshotAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Snapshot Operations integer Attribute SnapshotNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Sources Active integer Attribute NumActiveSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Uncategorized Sources Total integer Attribute NumAllSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop DataNode Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop DataNode Relationships NameNode Parents string List of parent NameNode resources
Hadoop DataNode Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop DataNode Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NameNode CPU Process CPU Load float Attribute ProcessCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode CPU System CPU Load float Attribute SystemCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In BLOCKED State integer Attribute ThreadsBlocked from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In NEW State integer Attribute ThreadsNew from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In RUNNABLE State integer Attribute ThreadsRunnable from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In TERMINATED State integer Attribute ThreadsTerminated from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In TIMED_WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsTimedWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode CPU Threads In WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Details Active Nodes string Isolated hostnames in LiveNodes entry from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Connections integer Attribute TotalLoad from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Dead Nodes string Attribute DeadNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Decommissioned Nodes string Attribute DecomNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Distinct Version Count integer Attribute DistinctVersionCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Edit Average Time float Attribute GetEditAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Edit Operations integer Attribute GetEditNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Image Average Time float Attribute GetImageAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Image Operations integer Attribute GetImageNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Link Target Operations integer Attribute GetLinkTargetOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Get Listing Operations integer Attribute GetListingOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Hadoop Detailed Version string Attribute Version from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Hadoop Version string Attribute SoftwareVersion from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details JVM Version string Attribute SystemProperties from Bean java.lang:type=Runtime
Hadoop NameNode Details Last Written Transaction ID integer Attribute LastWrittenTransactionId from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details List Snapshottable Directory Operations integer Attribute ListSnapshottableDirOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Maximum Objects integer Attribute MaxObjects from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Details Metric Endpoint string Metric Endpoint
Hadoop NameNode Details OS Name string Attribute Name from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode Details OS Version string Attribute Version from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Pending DataNode Messages integer Attribute PendingDataNodeMessageCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Put Image Average Time float Attribute PutImageAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Put Image Operations integer Attribute PutImageNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Rename Snapshot Operations integer Attribute RenameSnapshotOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Safe Mode string Attribute Safemode from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Details Safe Mode Time integer Attribute SafeModeTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Snapshot Diff Report Operations integer Attribute SnapshotDiffReportOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Stale Storages integer Attribute NumStaleStorages from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Completion float Attribute PercentComplete from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Elapsed Time integer Attribute ElapsedTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Loading Edits Completion float Attribute LoadingEditsPercentComplete from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Loading Edits Count integer Attribute LoadingEditsCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Loading Edits Elapsed Time integer Attribute LoadingEditsElapsedTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Loading Edits Total integer Attribute LoadingEditsTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Safe Mode Completion float Attribute SafeModePercentComplete from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Safe Mode Count integer Attribute SafeModeCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Safe Mode Elapsed Time integer Attribute SafeModeElapsedTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Safe Mode Total integer Attribute SafeModeTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Saving Checkpoint Completion float Attribute SavingCheckpointPercentComplete from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Saving Checkpoint Count integer Attribute SavingCheckpointCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Saving Checkpoint Elapsed Time integer Attribute SavingCheckpointElapsedTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Startup Saving Checkpoint Total integer Attribute SavingCheckpointTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Details Storage Block Report Operations integer Attribute StorageBlockReportOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Syncs Average Time float Attribute SyncsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Syncs Operations integer Attribute SyncsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Tag Hostname string Attribute tag.Hostname from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Details Time Since Last Loaded Edits integer Attribute MillisSinceLastLoadedEdits from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Total ERROR Log Messages float Attribute LogError from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Details Total FATAL Log Messages float Attribute LogFatal from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Details Total INFO Log Messages float Attribute LogInfo from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Details Total WARN Log Messages float Attribute LogWarn from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Details Transactions Average Time float Attribute TransactionsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Transactions Batched In Sync integer Attribute TransactionsBatchedInSync from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Transactions Operations integer Attribute TransactionsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Details Transactions Since Last Checkpoint integer Attribute TransactionsSinceLastCheckpoint from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Transactions Since Last Log Roll integer Attribute TransactionsSinceLastLogRoll from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Details Volume Failures Total integer Attribute VolumeFailuresTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Disk Add Block Operations integer Attribute AddBlockOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Deletion Start Date (from Unix epoch) float Attribute BlockDeletionStartTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Operations Batched integer Attribute BlockOpsBatched from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Operations Queued integer Attribute BlockOpsQueued from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Pool Used Percent float Attribute PercentBlockPoolUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Pool Used Space float Attribute BlockPoolUsedSpace from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Received And Deleted Operations integer Attribute BlockReceivedAndDeletedOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Report Average Time float Attribute BlockReportAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Block Report Operations integer Attribute BlockReportNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Blocks Missing integer Attribute NumberOfMissingBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Blocks Missing With Replication Factor One integer Attribute NumberOfMissingBlocksWithReplicationFactorOne from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Cache Capacity float Attribute CacheCapacity from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Cache Report Average Time float Attribute CacheReportAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Cache Report Operations integer Attribute CacheReportNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Cache Used float Attribute CacheUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity integer Attribute BlockCapacity from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Lost Due To Volume Failure float Attribute EstimatedCapacityLostTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Remaining float Attribute CapacityRemaining from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Total float Attribute CapacityTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Used float Attribute CapacityUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Used Non-distributed File System float Attribute CapacityUsedNonDFS from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Capacity Used Ratio float Capacity Used Ratio
Hadoop NameNode Disk Corrupt integer Attribute CorruptBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Create File Operations integer Attribute CreateFileOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Create Snapshot Operations integer Attribute CreateSnapshotOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Create Symlink Operations integer Attribute CreateSymlinkOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk DataNodes Dead integer Attribute NumDeadDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Disk DataNodes Stale integer Attribute StaleDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Delete File Operations integer Attribute DeleteFileOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Delete Snapshot Operations integer Attribute DeleteSnapshotOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Disallow Snapshot Operations integer Attribute DisallowSnapshotOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Excess integer Attribute ExcessBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Expired Heartbeats integer Attribute ExpiredHeartbeats from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk File Info Operations integer Attribute FileInfoOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk File System Image Load Time integer Attribute FsImageLoadTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk File System State string Attribute FSState from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Appended integer Attribute FilesAppended from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Created integer Attribute FilesCreated from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Deleted integer Attribute FilesDeleted from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files In Get Listing Operations integer Attribute FilesInGetListingOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Renamed integer Attribute FilesRenamed from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Total integer Attribute FilesTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Files Truncated integer Attribute FilesTruncated from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Get Additional Datanode Operations integer Attribute GetAdditionalDatanodeOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Get Block Locations integer Attribute GetBlockLocations from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Last Checkpoint Date (from Unix epoch) float Attribute LastCheckpointTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Missing integer Attribute MissingBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Missing With Replication Factor One integer Attribute MissingReplOneBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Non-distributed File System Used Space float Attribute NonDfsUsedSpace from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Pending Deletion integer Attribute PendingDeletionBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Pending Replication integer Attribute PendingReplicationBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Postponed Mis-replicated integer Attribute PostponedMisreplicatedBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Scheduled Replication integer Attribute ScheduledReplicationBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Snapshots integer Attribute Snapshots from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Snapshottable Directories integer Attribute SnapshottableDirectories from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Disk Space Free float Attribute Free from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Space Free Percent float Attribute PercentRemaining from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Space Total float Attribute Total from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Space Used float Attribute Used from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Space Used Percent float Attribute PercentUsed from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Startup Loading File System Image Completion float Attribute LoadingFsImagePercentComplete from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Disk Startup Loading File System Image Count integer Attribute LoadingFsImageCount from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Disk Startup Loading File System Image Elapsed Time integer Attribute LoadingFsImageElapsedTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Disk Startup Loading File System Image Total integer Attribute LoadingFsImageTotal from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=StartupProgress
Hadoop NameNode Disk Total integer Attribute TotalBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Total File Operations integer Attribute TotalFileOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode Disk Total Files integer Attribute TotalFiles from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Disk Under-replicated integer Attribute UnderReplicatedBlocks from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Memory Current Heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Current Heap Memory Used float Attribute MemHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Current Non-heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemNonHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Current Non-heap Memory Used float Attribute MemNonHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Free Physical Memory float Attribute FreePhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode Memory Garbage Collection Count integer Attribute GcCount from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Garbage Collection Count Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcCountMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Garbage Collection Time integer Attribute GcTimeMillis from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Garbage Collection Time Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcTimeMillisMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Maximum Heap Memory Size float Attribute MemHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Maximum Memory Size float Attribute MemMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Maximum Non-heap Memory Size float Attribute MemNonHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Memory Retry Cache Clears integer Attribute CacheCleared from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=RetryCache.NameNodeRetryCache
Hadoop NameNode Memory Retry Cache Hits integer Attribute CacheHit from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=RetryCache.NameNodeRetryCache
Hadoop NameNode Memory Retry Cache Updates integer Attribute CacheUpdated from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=RetryCache.NameNodeRetryCache
Hadoop NameNode Memory Total Physical Memory float Attribute TotalPhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NameNode Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop NameNode Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop NameNode Status DataNodes Decommissioned Dead integer Attribute NumDecomDeadDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Status DataNodes Decommissioned Live integer Attribute NumDecomLiveDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Status DataNodes Decommissioning integer Attribute NumDecommissioningDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Status DataNodes Live integer Attribute NumLiveDataNodes from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState
Hadoop NameNode Status High Availability State string Attribute tag.HAState from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem
Hadoop NameNode Status High Availibity Failover Occurred string High Availibity Failover Occurred
Hadoop NameNode Status Last High Availability Transition Time integer Attribute LastHATransitionTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus
Hadoop NameNode Status Node Status string Node Status
Hadoop NameNode Status Power State string Power State
Hadoop NameNode Status State string Attribute State from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus
Hadoop NameNode Status Upgrade Finalized string Attribute UpgradeFinalized from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Group Resolution Average Time float Attribute GetGroupsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Group Resolutions integer Attribute GetGroupsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failure Average Time float Attribute LoginFailureAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failures integer Attribute LoginFailureNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Success Average Time float Attribute LoginSuccessAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Kerberos Login Successes integer Attribute LoginSuccessNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Publish Average Time float Attribute PublishAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Publish Operations integer Attribute PublishNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Publishes Dropped integer Attribute DroppedPubAll from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Sinks Total integer Attribute NumAllSinks from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Snapshot Average Time float Attribute SnapshotAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Snapshot Operations integer Attribute SnapshotNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Sources Active integer Attribute NumActiveSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode Uncategorized Sources Total integer Attribute NumAllSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NameNode User Configuration Allow Snapshot Operations string Attribute AllowSnapshotOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeActivity
Hadoop NameNode User Configuration Security Enabled string Attribute SecurityEnabled from Bean Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus
Hadoop NameNode Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Hadoop NameNode Relationships DataNode Children string List of child DataNode resources
Hadoop NameNode Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NameNode Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NameNode Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Process CPU Load float Attribute ProcessCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager CPU System CPU Load float Attribute SystemCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In BLOCKED State integer Attribute ThreadsBlocked from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In NEW State integer Attribute ThreadsNew from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In RUNNABLE State integer Attribute ThreadsRunnable from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In TERMINATED State integer Attribute ThreadsTerminated from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In TIMED_WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsTimedWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Threads In WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Virtual Cores Allocated integer Attribute AllocatedVCores from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Virtual Cores Allocated Ratio float Virtual Cores Allocated Ratio
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Virtual Cores Available integer Attribute AvailableVCores from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager CPU Virtual Cores Total float Virtual Cores Total
Hadoop NodeManager Details Container Launch Duration Average Time float Attribute ContainerLaunchDurationAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Container Launch Duration Operations integer Attribute ContainerLaunchDurationNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Allocated integer Attribute AllocatedContainers from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Completed integer Attribute ContainersCompleted from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Completed Diff integer Containers Completed Diff
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Failed integer Attribute ContainersFailed from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Failed Diff integer Containers Failed Diff
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Initializing integer Attribute ContainersIniting from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Killed integer Attribute ContainersKilled from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Killed Diff integer Containers Killed Diff
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Launched integer Attribute ContainersLaunched from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Launched Diff integer Containers Launched Diff
Hadoop NodeManager Details Containers Running integer Attribute ContainersRunning from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details JVM Version string Attribute SystemProperties from Bean java.lang:type=Runtime
Hadoop NodeManager Details Metric Endpoint string Metric Endpoint
Hadoop NodeManager Details OS Name string Attribute Name from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager Details OS Version string Attribute Version from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager Details Tag Hostname string Attribute tag.Hostname from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Details Total ERROR Log Messages float Attribute LogError from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Total FATAL Log Messages float Attribute LogFatal from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Total INFO Log Messages float Attribute LogInfo from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Details Total WARN Log Messages float Attribute LogWarn from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Current Heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Current Heap Memory Used float Attribute MemHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Current Non-heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemNonHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Current Non-heap Memory Used float Attribute MemNonHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Free Physical Memory float Attribute FreePhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Garbage Collection Count integer Attribute GcCount from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Garbage Collection Count Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcCountMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Garbage Collection Time integer Attribute GcTimeMillis from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Garbage Collection Time Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcTimeMillisMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Maximum Heap Memory Size float Attribute MemHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Maximum Memory Size float Attribute MemMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Maximum Non-heap Memory Size float Attribute MemNonHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Memory Allocated float Attribute AllocatedGB from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Memory Allocated Ratio float Memory Allocated Ratio
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Memory Available float Attribute AvailableGB from Bean Hadoop:service=NodeManager,name=NodeManagerMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Total Physical Memory float Attribute TotalPhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop NodeManager Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop NodeManager Status Node Status string Node Status
Hadoop NodeManager Status Power State string Power State
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Group Resolution Average Time float Attribute GetGroupsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Group Resolutions integer Attribute GetGroupsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failure Average Time float Attribute LoginFailureAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failures integer Attribute LoginFailureNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Success Average Time float Attribute LoginSuccessAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Successes integer Attribute LoginSuccessNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Publish Average Time float Attribute PublishAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Publish Operations integer Attribute PublishNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Publishes Dropped integer Attribute DroppedPubAll from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Sinks Total integer Attribute NumAllSinks from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Snapshot Average Time float Attribute SnapshotAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Snapshot Operations integer Attribute SnapshotNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Sources Active integer Attribute NumActiveSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Uncategorized Sources Total integer Attribute NumAllSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop NodeManager Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NodeManager Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop NodeManager Relationships ResourceManager Parents string List of parent ResourceManager resources
Hadoop NodeManager Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Process CPU Load float Attribute ProcessCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU System CPU Load float Attribute SystemCpuLoad from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In BLOCKED State integer Attribute ThreadsBlocked from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In NEW State integer Attribute ThreadsNew from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In RUNNABLE State integer Attribute ThreadsRunnable from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In TERMINATED State integer Attribute ThreadsTerminated from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In TIMED_WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsTimedWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager CPU Threads In WAITING State integer Attribute ThreadsWaiting from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Active Nodes string Isolated hostnames in LiveNodeManagers entry from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=RMNMInfo
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Application Master Launch Delay Average Time float Attribute AMLaunchDelayAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Application Master Launch Delay Operations integer Attribute AMLaunchDelayNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Application Master Register Delay Average Time float Attribute AMRegisterDelayAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Application Master Register Delay Operations integer Attribute AMRegisterDelayNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Active integer Attribute ActiveApplications from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Completed integer Attribute AppsCompleted from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Failed integer Attribute AppsFailed from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Killed integer Attribute AppsKilled from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Pending integer Attribute AppsPending from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Running integer Attribute AppsRunning from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Applications Submitted integer Attribute AppsSubmitted from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Apps Completed Diff integer Apps Completed Diff
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Apps Failed Diff integer Apps Failed Diff
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Apps Killed Diff integer Apps Killed Diff
Hadoop ResourceManager Details JVM Version string Attribute SystemProperties from Bean java.lang:type=Runtime
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Metric Endpoint string Metric Endpoint
Hadoop ResourceManager Details OS Name string Attribute Name from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager Details OS Version string Attribute Version from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Tag Hostname string Attribute tag.Hostname from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Total ERROR Log Messages float Attribute LogError from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Total FATAL Log Messages float Attribute LogFatal from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Total INFO Log Messages float Attribute LogInfo from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Total WARN Log Messages float Attribute LogWarn from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Details Users Active integer Attribute ActiveUsers from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Current Heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Current Heap Memory Used float Attribute MemHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Current Non-heap Memory Committed float Attribute MemNonHeapCommittedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Current Non-heap Memory Used float Attribute MemNonHeapUsedM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Free Physical Memory float Attribute FreePhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Garbage Collection Count integer Attribute GcCount from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Garbage Collection Count Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcCountMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Garbage Collection Time integer Attribute GcTimeMillis from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Garbage Collection Time Mark Sweep Compact integer Attribute GcTimeMillisMarkSweepCompact from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Maximum Heap Memory Size float Attribute MemHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Maximum Memory Size float Attribute MemMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Maximum Non-heap Memory Size float Attribute MemNonHeapMaxM from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=JvmMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Queue Memory Allocated float Attribute AllocatedMB from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Queue Memory Available float Attribute AvailableMB from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Total Physical Memory float Attribute TotalPhysicalMemorySize from Bean java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop ResourceManager Memory Used Physical Memory float Used Physical Memory
Hadoop ResourceManager Status High Availability Failover Occurred string High Availability Failover Occurred
Hadoop ResourceManager Status High Availability State string High Availability State
Hadoop ResourceManager Status Node Status string Node Status
Hadoop ResourceManager Status NodeManagers Active integer Attribute NumActiveNMs from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Status NodeManagers Decommissioned integer Attribute NumDecommissionedNMs from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Status NodeManagers Lost integer Attribute NumLostNMs from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Status NodeManagers Rebooted integer Attribute NumRebootedNMs from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Status NodeManagers Unhealthy integer Attribute NumUnhealthyNMs from Bean Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=ClusterMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Status Power State string Power State
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Group Resolution Average Time float Attribute GetGroupsAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Group Resolutions integer Attribute GetGroupsNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failure Average Time float Attribute LoginFailureAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Failures integer Attribute LoginFailureNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Success Average Time float Attribute LoginSuccessAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Kerberos Login Successes integer Attribute LoginSuccessNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=UgiMetrics
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Publish Average Time float Attribute PublishAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Publish Operations integer Attribute PublishNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Publishes Dropped integer Attribute DroppedPubAll from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Sinks Total integer Attribute NumAllSinks from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Snapshot Average Time float Attribute SnapshotAvgTime from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Snapshot Operations integer Attribute SnapshotNumOps from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Sources Active integer Attribute NumActiveSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Uncategorized Sources Total integer Attribute NumAllSources from Bean Hadoop:service=\w+,name=MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
Hadoop ResourceManager Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Hadoop ResourceManager Relationships KVM Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent KVM Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop ResourceManager Relationships NodeManager Children string List of child NodeManager resources
Hadoop ResourceManager Relationships Nutanix Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Nutanix Virtual Machine resources
Hadoop ResourceManager Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources