The Management Pack for Apache Tomcat collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Apache Tomcat resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Apache Tomcat - Tags Relationships Server Children string List of children Server resources
Apache Tomcat - Virtual Machine Tags Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of children Virtual Machine resources
Apache Tomcat Connector CPU Maximum Threads integer The Maximum Threads of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector CPU Minimum Spare Threads integer The Min Spare Threads of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector CPU Processor Cache integer The Processor Cache of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Details Connector Protocol string The Protocol of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Details Name string The Name of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Details State Name string The State Name of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Details Use IP V-Host string True if using IP Virtual Hosting for the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Network Accept Count integer The Accept Count of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Network Connector Port integer The Port of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Network Packet Size integer The Packet Size of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Network Redirect Port integer The Redirect Port of the Connector
Apache Tomcat Connector Network Secure string Secure
Apache Tomcat Connector Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Details Error Count integer The Error Count of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Details Maximum Time integer The Maximum Time of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Details Name string The Request Processor Name of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Details Request Count integer The Request Count of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Network Data Received float The Bytes Received of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Network Data Sent float The Bytes Sent of the Global Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Global Request Processor|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Error Count integer The Error Count of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Error Rate integer The Error Rate of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Last Request Processing Time integer The Last Request Processing Time of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Maximum Time integer The Maximum Time of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Name string The Request Processor Name
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Request Count integer The Request Count of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Details Request Processing Time integer The Request Processing Time of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Network Data Received float The Amount of Data Received
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Network Data Sent float The Amount of Data Sent
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Network Request URI string The Request Uri of the Request Processor
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Relationships Connector Parents string List of parent Connector resources
Apache Tomcat Connector Request Processor|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Closed string Closed
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Default Auto Commit string Default Auto Commit
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Default Catalog string The Default Catalog of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Default Read Only string The Default Read Only of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Default Transaction Isolation string The Default Transaction Isolation of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Driver Class Name string The Driver Class Name of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Initial Size integer The Initial Size of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Login Timeout integer The Login Timeout of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Maximum Open Prepared Statements integer The Maximum Open Prepared Statements for the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Maximum Wait integer The Maximum Wait of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Minimum Evictable Idle Time integer The Minimum Evictable Idle Time of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Minimum Idle integer Minimum Idle
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Modeler Type string Datasource Modeler Type
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Name string The Name of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Number Active integer The Number of Active Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Number Tests Per Eviction Run integer The Number of Tests Per Eviction Run of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Pool Prepared Statements string The Pool Prepared Statements of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Remove Abandoned On Borrow string Remove Abandoned On Borrow
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Remove Abandoned On Maintenance string Remove Abandoned On Maintenance
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Remove Abandoned Timeout integer Timeout to Remove the Abandoned Datasource Connections
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Test On Borrow string Test On Borrow
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Test On Return string The Test On Return of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Time Between Eviction Runs integer The Time Between Eviction Runs of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Validation Query string Datasource Validation Query
Apache Tomcat Datasource Details Validation Query Timeout integer The Validation Query Timeout of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Access To Underlying Connection Allowed string The Access To Underlying Connection Allowed of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Connection Properties string The Connection Properties of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Log Abandoned string The Log Abandoned of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Maximum Idle integer Maximum Idle Connections for Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Number Idle integer Number Of Idle Datasource Connections
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Percent of Max Idle float The Percent of Max Idle of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network Test While Idle string Test While Idle
Apache Tomcat Datasource Network URL string The URL of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource User Configuration Username string The Username of the Datasource
Apache Tomcat Datasource Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Server Details Name string The Name of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Build string The Server Build of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Information string Server Information
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Modeler Type string The Modeler Type of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Number string The Server Number of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Service Names string The Service Names of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server Shutdown string The Shutdown of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Details Server State Name string Server State Name
Apache Tomcat Server Network Server Address string The Address of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Network Server Port integer The Port of the Server
Apache Tomcat Server Memory JVM Committed Memory integer JVM Committed Memory
Apache Tomcat Server Memory JVM Initial Allocation integer JVM Initial Memory Allocation
Apache Tomcat Server Memory JVM Maximum Memory integer Maximum JVM Memory
Apache Tomcat Server Memory JVM Memory Usage integer JVM Memory Usage
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Object Name string Object Name
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Object Pending Finalization Count integer The Object Pending Finalization Count of the Memory
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Architecture string The Architecture of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Available Processors integer Available Processors
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Committed Virtual Memory Size integer The Committed Virtual Memory Size of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Free Physical Memory Size integer The Free Physical Memory Size of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Free Swap Space Size integer The Free Swap Space Size of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Name string The Name of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Object Name string Object Name
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Process CPU Time Since Last Collection integer The Process CPU Time of the OS since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System System Load float The System Load of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Total Physical Memory Size integer The Total Physical Memory Size of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Total Swap Space Size integer The Total Swap Space Size of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Operating System Version string The Version of the OS
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Apache Tomcat - Tags Parents string List of parent Apache Tomcat - Tags resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Connector Children string List of child Connector resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Datasource Children string List of child Datasource resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Memory Children string List of child Memory resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Operating System Children string List of child Operating System resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Runtime Children string List of child Runtime resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Session Manager Children string List of child Session Manager resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships String Cache Children string List of child String Cache resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Threading Children string List of child Threading resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Apache Tomcat Server Relationships Web Module Children string List of child Web Module resources
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Boot Class Path string The Boot Class Path of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Boot Class Path Supported string The Boot Class Path Supported of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Class Path string The Class Path of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Input Arguments string The Input Arguments of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Library Path string The Library Path of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Management Spec Version string The Management Spec Version of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Name string The Name of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Object Name string Object Name
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Spec Name string The Spec Name of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Spec Vendor string The Spec Vendor of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Spec Version string The Spec Version of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Start Time integer The Start Time of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime Up Time integer The Up Time of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime VM Name string The VM Name of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime VM Vendor string The VM Vendor of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server Runtime VM Version string The VM Version of the Runtime
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Access Count Since Last Collection integer The Access Count of the String Cache since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Byte Chunk Enabled string Byte Chunk Enabled for the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Cache Size integer The Cache Size of the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Character Chunk Enabled string Character Chunk Enabled for the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Hit Count Since Last Collection integer The Hit Count of the String Cache sicne the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Modeler Type string The Modeler Type of the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Name string The Name of the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Object Name string Object Name
Apache Tomcat Server String Cache Train Threshold integer The Train Threshold of the String Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Threading CPU Time Since Last Collection integer Thread CPU Time since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Threading Daemon Thread Count integer Daemon Thread Count
Apache Tomcat Server Threading Object Name string Object Name
Apache Tomcat Server Threading Peak Count integer Peak Count
Apache Tomcat Server Threading Thread Count integer Thread Count
Apache Tomcat Server Threading Threads Started Since Last Collection integer Total Threads Started since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Threading User Time Since Last Collection integer Current User Time since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Details Name string The Name of the Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Access Count Since Last Collection integer The Access Count of the Cache since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Desired Entry Access Rate integer The Desired Entry Access Rate of the Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Hit Count Since Last Collection integer The Hit Count of the Cache since the last collection
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Maximum Allocated Iterations integer The Maximum Allocated Iterations of the Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Maximum Size integer The Maximum Size of the Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Memory Size integer The Size of the Cache
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Server Cache|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Average Collection Time integer The Average Collection Time of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Collection Count integer The Collection Count of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Collection Time integer The Collection Time of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Is Valid string Is Valid
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Last Collection End Time integer The Last Collection End Time of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Details Last Collection Start Time integer The Last Collection Start Time of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Memory Memory Pool Names string The Memory Pool Names for the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Memory Memory Usage After Garbage Collector integer The Memory Usage After Garbage Collector of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Memory Memory Usage Before Garbage Collector integer The Memory Usage Before Garbage Collector of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Memory Total Memory Freed integer The Total Memory Freed of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Uncategorized Name string The Name of the Garbage Collector
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Server Garbage Collector|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Details Name string The Name of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Details Type string The Type of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Memory Committed Memory Pool integer The Committed Memory Pool of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Memory Current Memory Pool integer The Current Memory Pool of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Memory Initial Memory Pool integer The Initial Memory Pool of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Memory Maximum Memory Pool integer The Maximum Memory Pool of the Memory Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Server Memory Pool|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Acceptor Thread Count integer The Thread Pool Acceptor Thread Count
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Backlog integer The Thread Pool Backlog Count
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Current Thread Count integer The Thread Pool Current Thread Count of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Current Threads Busy integer Current Busy Threads of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Daemon string The Daemon of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Maximum Head Count integer The Maximum Head Count of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Maximum Threads integer The Thread Pool Maximum Thread count
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Paused string Thread Pool is Paused
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Running string Thread Pool is Running
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|CPU Thread Priority integer The Thread Pool Thread Priority
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Details Modeler Type string The Modeler Type of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Details Name string The Name of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Network Port integer The Port of the Thread Pool
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Network TCP No Delay string TCP No Delay
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Server Thread Pool|Identifiers Object Name string
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Application Server string Application Server
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Available integer Available Servlets
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Class Load Time integer The Class Load Time of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Error Count integer The Error Count of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Load Time integer The Load Time of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Maximum Time integer The Maximum Time of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Name string The Name of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Request Count integer The Request Count of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Details Web Module string The Web Module of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Network URL string The URL of the Servlet
Apache Tomcat Servlet Relationships Web Module Parents string List of parent Web Module resources
Apache Tomcat Session Manager CPU Process Expires Frequency integer The Process Expires Frequency of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Details Duplicates integer The Duplicates of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Details Maximum Interactive Interval integer The Maximum Interactive Interval of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Details State Name string The State Name of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Active integer The Active Sessions of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Count integer Session Count
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Expired integer The Expired Sessions of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Maximum Active integer The Maximum Active Sessions of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Name string The Name of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Rejected integer The Rejected Sessions of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Rejected Sessions float The percentage of Rejected Sessions of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Network Session Usage float The Session Usage of the Session Manager
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Session Manager Relationships Web Module Children string List of child Web Module resources
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Caching Allowed string The Caching Allowed of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Configuration File string The Configfile of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Cookies string The Cookies of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Document Base string The Document Base of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Java VMs string The Java Vms of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Name string The Name of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Path string The Path of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Privileged string Allow this context to use container servlets
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Request Count integer The Request Count of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Servlets string The Servlets of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Start Time integer The Start Time of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Startup Time integer The Startup Time of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details State Name string The State Name of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details TLD Scan Time integer The TLD Scan Time of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Details Working Directory string The Working directory of the Web Module
Apache Tomcat Web Module Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
Apache Tomcat Web Module Relationships Servlet Children string List of child Servlet resources
Apache Tomcat Web Module Relationships Session Manager Parents string List of parent Session Manager resources