The Management Pack for Cisco Networking creates views that allow the user to view statistics of metrics for various Cisco Networking resources. The views help give a broad picture of the entire system, as opposed to a more in depth view.

The following views are available in the Management Pack:

View Type Description
Cisco Networking HSRP Group Member Properties List Displays properties for Cisco Networking HSRP Group Members
Cisco Networking HSRP Group Properties List Displays properties for Cisco Networking HSRP Groups
Cisco Networking Port Packets List Displays information about inbound/outbound packets for a selected Port
Cisco Networking Port Properties List Displays properties for Cisco Networking Ports
Cisco Networking Port Status List Displays the current status of the selected Port
Cisco Networking Port Traffic List Displays throughput information for a selected Port
Cisco Networking Switch List Displays top-level information about a selected Switch, such as CPU/Memory utilization, system uptime, etc.
Cisco Networking Switch Average Packets List Displays averages of packets sent/received and error packets sent/received for a selected Switch
Cisco Networking Switch Average Traffic List Displays average sent/received throughput for a selected Switch
Cisco Networking Switch Fan Status List Displays the current status of fans for the selected Switch
Cisco Networking Switch Power Supply Status List Displays the current status of power supplies for the selected Switch
Cisco Networking Switch Properties List Displays properties for Cisco Networking Switches
Cisco Networking VSAN Properties List Displays properties for Cisco Networking VSANs

To access the Management Pack views:

  1. Navigate to Environment > All Objects > Cisco Networking.
  2. Double-click on the desired object (resource).
  3. Select the Details tab, then Views.

The available views for that resource are listed and can be selected.

Accessing Views
